What kind of DIY modeling are you creating? 👀
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
@SUPERVlXEN I'm making my own strap on 

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Create the great American sculpture
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
@CountScrofula when I go to my aunts tomorrow I will, pictures will be included
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@humidtiddies WE'RE WAITING
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
hawt... Keeping it classy
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
@AuRevoir Always 

AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@humidtiddies I bet the girl scouts on the block look at you like you're their sugar daddy..
WanderlustCat · 36-40, M
Honestly yeah having a kid is a great excuse to buy toys for yourself.
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
no seriously guys why was I having more fun with it than the kid.