Enlightenment at Walmart
My daughter went to Walmart for a birthday cake after, many times, angrily doing battle over very disappointing decorating results.
Nobody at the counter. "Hello?" to the left. "Hello?" to the right. "Hello?" to the moon.
A redheaded gal in deli yells: "Can I help you?"
Daughter yells, "I need a message written on this cake."
Redhead: "I can do that. What do you want on it?"
Daughter spells it out: " L O R D Y, L O R D Y Y O U apostrophe R E 40 exclamation point."
Redhead, working on cake hidden behind counter: "L O R mumble What the? mumble mumble
I can fix that mumble Oh, *&@$ mumble Pause mumble"
Daughter realizes there is a problem but decides to stop being bothered.
Redhead: "mumble oops mumble ^#%#^ oh noooooo *&^*^ "
Daughter begins to laugh invisibly
Redhead stands back, sighs and brings the cake, which says, " L O R A D L O R D Y YOUR apostrophe 30 "
Redhead: "I made the 30 really big for you"
Daughter, (thinking that makes up for the missing exclamation point, and barely holding back giggles) "It's exactly what I expected. Thank you very much."
Redhead gushing: I'm so glad you like it. I was a little concerned for a minute."
Nobody at the counter. "Hello?" to the left. "Hello?" to the right. "Hello?" to the moon.
A redheaded gal in deli yells: "Can I help you?"
Daughter yells, "I need a message written on this cake."
Redhead: "I can do that. What do you want on it?"
Daughter spells it out: " L O R D Y, L O R D Y Y O U apostrophe R E 40 exclamation point."
Redhead, working on cake hidden behind counter: "L O R mumble What the? mumble mumble
I can fix that mumble Oh, *&@$ mumble Pause mumble"
Daughter realizes there is a problem but decides to stop being bothered.
Redhead: "mumble oops mumble ^#%#^ oh noooooo *&^*^ "
Daughter begins to laugh invisibly
Redhead stands back, sighs and brings the cake, which says, " L O R A D L O R D Y YOUR apostrophe 30 "
Redhead: "I made the 30 really big for you"
Daughter, (thinking that makes up for the missing exclamation point, and barely holding back giggles) "It's exactly what I expected. Thank you very much."
Redhead gushing: I'm so glad you like it. I was a little concerned for a minute."