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I Have Questions

For anyone married or not- What does marriage mean to you? Has it taken on a new meaning since you've first married or even thought about marriage, or has it stayed that same? If it has, what changed and why? Thank you😊
I comprimise more than I thought I would. I didn't realize just how much.
I'm sorry to hear that boo boo could try reasoning with her ...I know I've changed in many ways ,.. My husband has too .. I think communication within a marriage is very important . Understanding where each other is coming from is key . It's never easy but it's a must in order to make things work .
booboo · M
@cher: when one changes for the worst, then what? One changes and becomes more mellow, easier going, non judgemental, non critical, where the other one goes in the complete opposite direction... :/
booboo · M
it has definitely changed for me...going on 41 was great at first, but these last few years have been horrible..I've very unhappy, but too late to do anything about it now
Beowulf · 36-40, M
So who is happily married ? people say marriage is like a wall, those who are still not married want to come in while the married ones want to come out. What's the point in that.
People and circumstances change . You change together . Things just change . That's life ,that's marriage get through it ...if you both want to
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Booboo- If you're unhappy then don't ignore that. You deserve to be happy and don't need to put up with circumstances that are keeping you down.
Have you tried therapy or talked to others about it? I'm sure you've had your share with talking to your spouse. But aside from that what's changed and what do you feel doesn't fit in your life anymore? More with you ? What do you really want now? I'd think about these for a while and see what you'd come up with. Either case you should be happy.
I wish you all the best!! Sending lots of love to ya!💕💕💕💕
booboo · M
@cher: I agree, but communication only works when it's directed my way..oh's my cross to bear...
Now it merely means mirage coz of the realization of the bigger picture.

You are welcome!
it is a sacred union of two individuals to pursue duty, possessions, karma and moksha.
booboo · M
@cher: not holding my breath though..thank you for your kindness
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Absolutely. I hate everybody.
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*quietly exits*
Nonamefornow · 51-55, F
Marriage is like entering the front door but would rather leave through the backdoor. At least that's how I believe.
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Beowulf · 36-40, M
Not married yet. i'm still prefer to be single currently...
I hope it all works out for you booboo
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Booboo- cute name btw😊

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