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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
From Google's AI:
Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon because he believed Lennon had become a "phony" and was no longer living up to the ideals Chapman associated with him, largely due to Lennon's public statements about being "more popular than Jesus" and lyrics from songs like "Imagine" which Chapman interpreted as hypocritical given Lennon's lifestyle; Chapman also reportedly identified strongly with the character Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye" and felt compelled to act out a similar sense of disillusionment.
Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon because he believed Lennon had become a "phony" and was no longer living up to the ideals Chapman associated with him, largely due to Lennon's public statements about being "more popular than Jesus" and lyrics from songs like "Imagine" which Chapman interpreted as hypocritical given Lennon's lifestyle; Chapman also reportedly identified strongly with the character Holden Caulfield from "The Catcher in the Rye" and felt compelled to act out a similar sense of disillusionment.
LetsDance · F
There are always a few self loathing people that will justify their existence through infamy.