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Why didn't Prince Phillip become King Consort on his wife's coronation? 🤔

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dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The Duke of Edinburgh was not granted the title of king because of a rule that states the husband of a ruling queen is called prince consort, just as wives of kings are typically referred to as queen consort.

Sort of analogous, I guess, to us common men who are Mr., before and after getting married, while the women become a Mrs., if she so chooses.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
There is no king consort. The oddity is how the reigning monarch is called a queen since queen also refers to the wife/widow of the king. Thus when Elizabeth's mother alive and Elizabeth was reigning England had 2 queens. The Queen (reigning) and the Queen mother.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
@hippyjoe1955 That's very true 😊
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Evidently a man who marries the Queen becomes King Consort, but a woman who married the King would be technically Queen Consort but be called simply Queen.
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
@ChipmunkErnie See, this is where I get confused. Prince Philip did not become King. He remained Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Someone mentioned that NOT granting a King title “bolster(s) the authority of the woman” . Makes sense to me. What do you think?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@dontbekoi I wasn't sure, so I googled. I imagine it varies between countries and time periods, but what I could find regarding the modern UK is that a man can only become King of the UK by being born to it; if he is married to the Queen he's the King Consort. A woman can't become Queen if not born to it, but for some reason can be CALLED Queen and not Queen Consort. Makes sense that maybe when that rule came into effect they men in charge figured a male might try to take over as king but a woman wouldn't try to take over as queen?
meJess · F
It is tradition for the male spouse of a reigning queen to be known as prince consort to quote “bolster the authority of the woman” unquote
dontbekoi · 36-40, F
@meJess Actually that makes a lot of sense. Thank you 🙂
1490wayb · 56-60, M
he was actually prince of greece i believe
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@1490wayb He was a Greek prince by birth, but raised in England and Germany. A distant cousin of the Queen in addition to being her husband and consort.
BigBulge · 46-50, M
The rules were different, then...

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