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Is Joe Biden mentally fit to be running for President

Either side it must be time for a younger generation of politicians

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Agreed. Both are senile old men out of touch with the real world where the "progressive" is a Republican light who thinks 1991 neoliberalism is the cutting edge of politics and the sitting president is a thug oligarch you would expect to see in the former USSR circa early 90s.
@SW-User It is very true. And there is a 50 year record that proves it. I am sorry facts don't fit your feelings.

Biden may very well get elected. Trump got elected but that doesn't mean he was better then Clinton. Getting elected doesn't make you a better option. At most it just means people are sick of the incumbent.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Oh Biden will only be elected because people are sick of Trump. I don't deny that for a second.
@SW-User Then stop trying to pretend Biden is a good option for president. You just look silly.
Funnily enough the established politicians hate the younger ones. But would probably still have sex with them.
TiffAching · 31-35, F
TFW you call someone mentally incompetent but can’t be bothered to spell “pussy” correctly.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Don't the biggest liars make the best politicians? Honest people can make more of a difference staying out of politics in my opinion. As for the arses already in there, I rarely care for any of them. My suspicion, giving the currently elected leaders in both the US and UK, is that anybody who's sane and able is unlikely to be voted in: after all, they have to be representative of the electorate, right?
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
When was the last time america had a mentally competent president? 🤔
@GuyWithOpinions Obama. And they will do again under Biden and then Harris in 2024
Would I prefer a nice demented old man who picks a former prosecutor for his running mate?

Or a nasty, dirty, old demented man who picks a mindless twit for a running mate?

Is Pence's wife going to have to be on the debate stage with him?
@SW-User I am pretty certain that Pence will not be the VP candidate after their "closed-door" selection. It will have to be Haley or this is a slam dunk.
@SW-User That's a point. The only slim chance Trump has now is to put a woman on his ticket. Actually, he could do worse than dump Pence NOW and appoint Haley as VP. Then he could claim to be so non-sexist that he has a female VP, as well as appointing the first female Vice President in history. Not that she's exactly the paragon of stability herself...
@SW-User I am amazed they are keeping trump on the ticket.

A Pence/Haley or Haley/Pence ticket has a much better chance of winning right now.

The only reason they won't dump trump is because much of the GOP risks exposure of working with foreign powers.
SAE5W30 · 46-50, M
...Person, woman, man, camera, TV...
Ned, you're a man with a brain...but unless there is some huge conspiracy behind Trumps tweets and general public outbursts, there isnt much evidence to suggest that he is a man of good character.. offense mate, just saying..
DarkMoon · 26-30, M
I don't know. You don't know. Whoever was running would have their character assassinated by Trump because that's the only way he wins.
To borrow one of Trump's lines from 2016, what have ya got to lose?
Yes he is, which is more than can be said for Trump. Plus, his choice of VP is paving the way for the new generation nicely :)
redredred · M
Is any politician ever, anywhere? Really, what compels a person to seek to rule others?
I'd question if anyone who wants the job is mentally fit for it.
antonioio · 70-79, M
@FairyGirlGemma two bits of the same coin 😂
dondon · M
Being mentally sound is no longer a requirement.
@dondon That's true. Trump has shown that all too well. Luckily, America will change direction
JT123 · M
He's not fit for pre school class president!
It's really sad that out of 331 million people, Trump and Biden are the best you could find...
@NerdyPotato Biden, at the moment, is only best for the Democrats because he IS the only one of them who can Beat Trump! After he wins, if he has any sense, he'll hand over to Harris after a year or so.
@NerdyPotato The ones that deserve power the most are the ones that never seek it.
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
I think he's mentally fit but it is definitely time for a new generation to step forward.
antonioio · 70-79, M
He is no better or no worse than the oppission 😂
Paintedfox · 36-40, F
Definitely time for some new blood
@Paintedfox Harris IS that new blood :)
No obviously lol.
@SW-User Why obviously? Because Breitbart tells you he's mentally unfit?
@SW-User Eh presumptuous political aficionado huh? I don't even follow Breitbart. Joe speaks like a demented person. I say what I see.
justanothername · 51-55, M
He can’t be any worse than Trump.
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berangere · 80-89, F
Fit or not ,if he wins it will not be him who will make the decisions.

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