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Do you remember when Donald Trump was denying any connection to the Heritage Foundation?

Gone are those days. Here is a Heritage Foundation survey you can take to tell them precisely what you think of the job they are doing.


And just as a reminder, here is a link to the Heritage Foundation's transition plan for Donald Trump:
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Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Yeah... I wonder how BizSuitStacy is wiggling out of this one. Considering that he's been calling people delusional while being smug, about the idea that Trump would agree with Project 2025, ever since it pops up.

But yeah...

@Kwek00 Three or so years ago, the biz suited they/them predicted massive "vaccine aids" by six months. When I teased they/them about their massively wrong prediction, they blocked me😂🤣😝😂🤣
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@ElwoodBlues Oh, be blocked me too, when I pointed out that he was boasting and making fun "jshm2", but that he himself is guilty of the thing he was blaming the other person for. Before he blocked me, he made at least 2 comments... sadly, he also wasn't smart enough to understand that those comments are hidden from the person that he blocked. So I will never know, what void comments were made.

BTW, I've not forgotten about our other discussion, just not been on here a whole lot. I'm also reading up on some stuff, concerning that conversation. I hope to feel better in a couple of days, then I'll try to structure my reply.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@ElwoodBlues @Kwek00 I rather think his hobby is blocking anyone who proves he is wrong about anything.
Mandyheart98 · 26-30, F
The people who voted for him knew he was linked to project2025 and they too were all for it.

Same reason why they're all pro Russia now too.

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