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What they will and won't say.

Like his 1st term.
He's just brought those people in to give recognition as a political stunt to pat himself on the back.

What they won't. Believe it and like or not the man actually gives a sh-t about people.
I say this first hand from a short passing with him years ago in Atlantic City.
My mother and I were having lunch in a restaurant situated below the casino in Trump Plaza. He was in town because there a fight that night in the coliseum next door where he Miss America pageant was once held. My dad attended the fight and Trump as everyone should know by now is a fight fan.
He came walking up the aisle from the boardwalk entrance and stopped at mom's and I table and asked how everything was and if we were enjoying ourselves. He asked my mothers name and said bye. When we were checking out the lady at the desk handed my mom a card in a Trump tower envelope. She opened it and there was a Trump players card. Which we both had. Mom looked puzzled saying i have this. The lady took the card turned it over and pointed to a code not on ours. Mom was just given 3day comp stays in the hotel once a month with no expiration. From one friendly conversation.
That's the man they don't talk about.
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4meAndyou · F
That's a truly wonderful story!!! Trump really DOES care about people. And one thing I sense very strongly from him is his true delight that he is able to USE the office of President to make SOME dreams come true!
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AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@Gibbon He mentioned the gender ideology being pushed and how he cut all funding for any child mutilating hospitals a.k.a. Transgender surgeries. I think he was trying to lump it all in together as best as he could.

The problem is the list of insanity these people have done is so long that it’s hard to mention it all. Which maybe that was their plan. Create so much chaos that even when you try to bring up everything they’ve done it’s just impossible. I mean look how long that speech was and it only covered maybe 35% of the insanity the country has endured due to both their incompetence coupled with their corruption.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@AuRevoir Yes far too much. I don't how many political discussions I've had here that ended with a "You're insane" and a block.
Anywho I'm crashing and calling it a night. It's actually become more peaceful here now that election shock has set in.
They were all huffy the cackler had a chance.
We told you so to many times must have given them tinnitus.
4meAndyou · F
@AuRevoir Truly awesome comment!!! You checked every item on MY list!!!
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
They never will, such a shame.

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