Will the Doomsday Clock be reset when tRUMP is inaugurated?
In January 2023, the Clock was moved forward to 90 seconds (1 minute, 30 seconds) before midnight, announced in a live stream, and further explained to be impacted by considerations of biosecurity concerns resulting in large part from the global effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in an article authored by members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Security Board, which included public health experts Suzet McKinney and Asha M. George.
Given that totally INEPT tRUMP wanted to nuke hurricanes his first time around and likely was only stopped by his more sane advisors, [b]will the Doomsday Clock be reset when the fool again takes office?[/b]
Given that totally INEPT tRUMP wanted to nuke hurricanes his first time around and likely was only stopped by his more sane advisors, [b]will the Doomsday Clock be reset when the fool again takes office?[/b]