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The DemonRats just don't get it. Trump has always been like this. He loves this country, and he loves helping people. Not for applause, he's rich enough not to have to care what anyone thinks. He could be comfortably retired now, relaxing while his sons run the family business. Instead, he's endured years of slander, false accusations, threats to himself and his family, and actual attempts on his life, for no other crime than trying to make life better for all Americans.
AbbeyRhode · F
Thank you for Best Answer. :)
4meAndyou · F
@AbbeyRhode You are MOST welcome!!!
BizSuitStacy · M
I'm not crying, you're crying
Sojournersoul · M
Just watch that and not going to lie, made me cry. Thank you for posting this.
4meAndyou · F
@Sojournersoul Me, too. But it was one of those GOOD cries.