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Will Trump suffer the same fate as the guy in the movie the Jerk?

In the movie the Jerk Steve Martin lost a class action suit and had to write checks for 10 million people. I think one day the same thing will happen to Trump – like maybe his running shoes will cause peoples toes to go rubbery (or something like that). In the video at the (1:00 mark) Steve Martin is sitting at a desk writing out all the checks – and I hope that is Trump’s fate one day. Cheers!

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
You dont understand how Trumps businesses work. They arent actually his. He lends his name to whatever shyster driven scam is offering him a kick back off the top to borrow his name and walks away, leaving them all the problems and consequences... He might as well change his name to Donald Acme... Those Bibles were a beauty, having been originally printed for some commemorative of 9/11 that failed and were sitting in a arehouse or garage. Jack up the price $10 from the original and have Donald endorse them. There is a sucker born every minute..😷

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