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…But it doesn’t end there. Quad Indicted begged the Libertarians to nominate him…and some joker came forward and nominated him. Problem was QI’s campaign never filed the forms necessary for him to be nominated!

That’s right—yet another screw up by his party!

But they did vote and tRump got some votes—exactly 6. Don’t worry, though, because some guy named Toad got 11 more votes than tRump!

Oh, the shame!
Drummer · M
At the Libertarian Convention, RFK Jr. & his friends were handing out rubber chickens with the words "Debate Bobby" written on them.

(The Secret Service confiscated them, but one guy hid his & it can be seen near the end of one of the videos)
Vin53 · M
@Drummer "Is that a rubber chicken in your pants or are you just glad to see me.."
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Drummer I saw that but didn’t know the back story…thanks for sharing!
Nanoose · 61-69, M
Trump explained everything on Truth Social yesterday. He wrote that the reason he didn’t file the forms to be nominated was because he was running as a republican and as a republican he is not allowed to have the nomination of another party. Not sure if that is true but if it is why was he at the libertarian convention begging for their nomination? Trump also said that judging by the enthusiasm of the crowd if he had gotten the nomination he would of won. Judging by the heckling and booing of the crowd it sure didn’t seen like that would have been the case. Trump wound up only getting 6 out of 800+ votes – he hasn’t explained that yet but I’m sure he will try. Cheers!
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Nanoose There are two possible explanations, I’ll let everyone make up their own minds which is the case.

1. QI is lying (SHOCKING, I know!)

2. QI lives in his own alternate reality—a delusional existence where he is omnipotent
Drummer · M
@KunsanVeteran 3, Both of the above
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
When will Quad Indicted realize that “Toad” is almost twice as popular as he is?
Drummer · M
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Drummer “I would rather bite off my own leg caught in a bear trap!” said one Libertarian voter.
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