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It’s sure looking like E. Jean Carroll will be starting collection on March 7th

Well, yet again legal “Masterminds” Quad Indicted & Habba have established that neither of them know how to behave in legal matters.

It’s not smart to wait over 20 of your 30 days window to post a bond to appeal the judgment against you then ask for an emergency stay. Judge Kaplan, while ridiculing Habba’s request, has stated that he’ll give Roberta Kaplan (no relation) several days to comment on the stay request before ruling. We know that it will be declined.

Now—remember—Habba has gone on camera several times saying, “Of course QI has the cash…”. Well then, QI better hurry up and post the bond.

Because once March 7th rolls around, there is no more appeal and collection starts.

Pretty poor lawyering there, Habba. Of course, not unexpected given the loser of a client you represent.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M Best Comment

Persephonee · 22-25, F
It's not poor lawyering. Well it is, but it's deliberate - It's masterclass grievance-politics. Habba (if not Trump, but probably him too) is/are surely perfectly well aware they're only likely win an appeal on the day Satan is out shopping for ice skates.

But by being denied the chance to appeal because of procedure, he can claim the system is "rigged" against him.

There's a constant narrative of 'Trump and his lawyers are useless' gloating coming from elements of the commentariat but just as in 2016 I think it represents a gross underestimation of the cynicism with which he and his key acolytes are playing the system.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Representing trump is close to career suicide.

Ms. Carroll will be collecting before the State of New York starts seizing properties.
I will be surprised if he has the cash and I bet he cannot satisfy all judgments currently against him out of liquid assets.

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