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Trevian Kutti (Trump co-defendant) violates bond conditions

QI’s co-defendant, Trevian Kutti, blatantly violated her pre-trial bond conditions by posting, “There’s a woman sitting somewhere who knows this whole thing is a lie,” Kutti reportedly said. “Who knows I never did anything to her. Who knows I never. Who knows she begged me for help. There’s a woman sitting somewhere who knows that I’m going to f**k her whole life up when this is done.”

Kutti presented herself as someone who could help Freeman but then pressured her to falsely confess to election fraud.

Pre-trial bail conditions were contingent on (upon others) making no threats to witnesses. Whose behavior does this remind you of? That’s right—Quad Indicted’s, of course.

Both Trump & Kutti had agreed to the conditions of their bond and that bond should now be revoked and both jailed pending trial.

Neither Quad Indicted or this co-conspirator should receive any special treatment!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@KunsanVeteran i agree both trump and kutti are in a sense doing the equivalent of breaking there rules of bail and as you correctly say .that usually means you end up behind bars i am really surprised trump has not be put in prison by now for a flagrent breach of his gagging order

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