I read this today. Donald Trump is going to be assigned with a personal aide 24/7 who must maintain a constant line of sight because of Trumps onset of dementia which makes him a potential danger to himself and to others.
My opinion is GOP lawyers may be coping with an attempt at “not of sound mind/body defense strategy since he is obviously going to face some serious indictments, and this would be a part of the drama presentation. The defense won’t work, but it’s all they have at this point.
@BackyardShaman An interesting slant I hadn't considered and I bet a lot of others either. Good thinking! Looks like I already handed out a BC, oh well, the more the merrier I guess. 🐱
@Grateful4you thanks! Of course, I could be totally wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see this and/or suddenly Trump is born again in Christ, Jesus freak ultra deluxe. The born again theme is what Southern GOP advise, gets you out of anything!
@BackyardShaman Yup, I call it the good ol' "born again" get out of jail free card. Charles "Tex" Watson has been using it for years to justify his slaughter of Sharon Tate and the rest of them back in August 8th and 9th 1969. Fucker makes me furious!
@bookerdana Possibly. I'm sure you're aware, Fred Trump was a major racist. He had a policy of NO blacks allowed in any Trump property. Fred was an evil but intelligent man, he was painfully aware that Donald was a dull normal student, that Donald lacked the business acumen he had, he had little to no affection for Donald.
It should be self- evident Donald would embrace the same racist policies of his dad in an effort to gain approval. I seriously doubt if he ever gained any kind of approval from Fred, I have maintained since Trumps first year as president that he is at heart, consumed by his own self-loathing, his pre-disposition for self-sabotage I have pointed out again and again. I know and am aware of my personal limitations, but the things I am right about I am confident are spot on.
Trump is and always has been his own worst enemy. It's why his biggest fear in life is becoming irrelevant, the mere thought is all consuming.
@Grateful4you i don't give a figleaf about Hunters laptop ,nor Trumps Dad
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!
@Grateful4you I saw something in DailyKos, but didn’t know how much credence to give it. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/2/3/2078408/-Trump-won-t-run-in-2024-His-dementia-won-t-let-him
@LordShadowfire I should have jotted it down. It might come up with a quick search like, "Trump assigned with 24/7 supervising aide" or similar. I read so many YouTube comments today and just didn't think to note the source. Sorry.