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bookerdana · M
A lot of folks are backing away from Trump,even Evangelicals,if polls are to be believed
Grateful4you · M
@bookerdana Losing the religious right would be doomsday for him, I wonder if he is "Beyond heavenly redemption" in their eyes?
bookerdana · M
@Grateful4you Evangelicals realize they don't have anyone under 30 in their church...they tried to use each other and both lost.
The Democrats would love it if T**** was the nominee
The Democrats would love it if T**** was the nominee
Grateful4you · M
@bookerdana Or if he goes with a third party as a nominee splitting the party makes both him and DeSantis lose. (Crosses fingers)
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Charred steak and ketchup 😭😂😂
Grateful4you · M
@SwampFlower As a kid, mom wouldn't even allow us to have steak sauce to ruin her steaks let alone tacky. (But that was the effect they wanted)
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@Grateful4you steak sauce was "steak abuse" hahaha. But to be fair, my dad can cook a damn good steak. Mom, not so much
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
The conservative National Review was even more succinct: "No!"