Can someone explain why some people who are not American worship Trump?
Poll - Total Votes: 4I want Trump to be reelected and conquer my country so he can be my ruler too
I like Trump's style and hope he inspires my own leaders to be more like him
I don't actually like Trump. I just hate America and think Trump has the best shot at destroying it
I just like the spectacle and hope Trump is around as long as possible just for the amusement
Something else (explain in comments)
You can only vote on one answer.
I'm not talking about just liking him. I like Justin Trudeau, but if I read that his house was searched for stolen government documents and that he was suspected of plotting to sell state secrets to Canada's enemies, I wouldn't defend him. So I don't get this weird adulation of Trump. If you're an American, fine, I accept that he has a cult of followers who think he's God in human form, but at least those people live here and can say that they want him to be their leader again. But if you live in another country, where does that worship come from?
Americans can respond but I'm more interested in answers from people outside the U.S.