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I Hate Donald Trump

Is it a good thing that ISIS has been destroyed in one year after Obama allowed it to be created then did little to combat it?
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dochakase · 31-35, M
Well, actually, and this is coming from a political scientist who analyzed the middle-east situations. When Bush moved into Iraq and toppled its leadership, there was an unstable element created that allowed ISIS to become a reality. Their goal was to create a radical Islamic state, and that was able to be potentially accomplished with Iraq being so unstable. Plus, a lot of other states in the region had internal uprisings inspired by the fall of Iraq, which created further instability. This allowed ISIS to thrive.

ISIS being destroyed has nothing to do with Trump, but rather coalition efforts for many years alongside ISIS not being stable enough to maintain their huge network. ISIS has yet to be fully destroyed, but their presence is a lot less prevalent. This doesn't change the fact that numerous terrorist networks still exist in the region. So, even if ISIS is gone, the greater overarching threat is not.

Strictgram prefers this flavor:

Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Nonsensical.
@Strictgram I've always disliked stupid people. I look at stupid people like stupid people look at very intelligent people. I don't get why they don't get what to me is the simplest of things to understand--and they don't get what I even mean. That was explained along ago when the term Cognitive Dissonance was coined to explain that effect.

People can read-----see what is going on around them. We live in a digital age so the world of information is at their fingertips....and yet apparently a huge number of people would rather lie back and listen to whatever blanant bullshit someone else tells them than have the simplest of curiosities to even check a fact. To those people if they hear a moron say windmills causes "sound cancer"---as Trump ignorantly said on TV at least a dozen times in the past week---and they just nod and go "OMG..noise cancer. HORRIBLE!! We need to get rid of windmills then"...I have to look at people and think you must be joking???

Like duh! It never even dawned on 40% of America that they just heard something so ignorant that every mouth around them just fell open---but they agreed with it like it was gospel fact. THEN those REALLY stupid people look at those around them whose mouths did fall open and call them stupid because they did catch it. That leaves me dumbstruck. That ANYONE who could dream up "noise cancer"--just make shit up out of clear air---- could have a following of believers....simply because someone they voted for who said it. Like that person would NEVER say anything stupid...because they voted for him. He could NEVER make a bad decision. Or sound like a clown.....or lie.....because they voted for him. That level of incomprehension--that level of Jim Jones following is stunning.

You don't sound any different than any other Trumper......but 5 years ago would you have EVER said out loud to people you work with, strangers, family----"the white supremacy is a GREAT thing?" Or "Fuck them babies in cages. Let 'em die...who cares? Those damned babies deserved to die. They shouldn't have come here." Or "A draft dodger is smarter than every general in America". Or "I think it's cool to diss dead veterans." Or "I think it's sooooooooooo cool our president grabs women by the pussy---while married--and brags about it."

And yet now you and others like you say just those things are great-----as you cheer for the man who is saying and doing each of those things on a national stage. If you don't shake your head no and say "I can't live with that"---then YOU endorse, condone it, support what he says and does and stands for--just as much as the one saying it. And since that is the sad for America is that? How sad it is that the Republican Party---once the party of morals and family values has gone that far down into that cesspool? I WAS a Republican........but I cannot imagine why now.

You ask about hatred. If you think it's hatred 75% of those around you feel--then you do not understand anything. There is no hate. There is disgust...there is national embarrassment....there is head shaking that the rank and file of the once Bible thumping party that claimed to be the Christian Conservatives now think an ex porn star is the finest first lady this nation has ever seen. That think lying every other word is cool. That think things like science, education, finance, saving a sick kid's life, feeding a starving child here at home----morals, accountability personally and in government is something to laugh at and diss----and anyone who advocates any of those things are obviously dumbass "liberals"--simply because those people don't hate anyone and everyone around them. To be a Republican now means finding someone--anyone to blame everything we perceive as being wrong in our lives on--from Mexican babies to Jews to dead veterans--to truth even.

We hear of a divided America.....but the divide that bothers the 75% the most is not one of party. It's of intelligence. 25% can't comprehend that racism, hatred, running over girls at rallies and calling it OK..."she had it coming"...or caging babies----or noise cancer-----is somehow believable to the few------because a man who is in office for 4 years says so. In 2 years--200 years of what once made us great is being systematically flushed away by a con artist who was too afraid to even fight for the America he now claims he is now making great. How insane is that???? And you all believe him.

That kind of cowardice--and hypocrisy--- out of a president is amazing. The fact that 25% of Americans don't even comprehend that---is unbelievable. ONE MAN has changed the morals of America.....or at least made it seem cool to act ignorant. And the other 75% simply can't comprehend how we----as the most respected ALREADY greatest nation on earth----went into the toilet that fast or why the ones floating with the turds don't even seem to notice.

We knew the dumbing down of America as a trend was coming---but it seemed to arrive in a landslide. The divide in America isn't's incomprehension that those around us that we thought we knew......are so unrecognizable now as Americans--in just 2 years.
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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Luddite.
Found a new item on the diner menu for you to try, Strictgram:

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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Ignorant commie fool.
@Strictgram Reich-Wing supporter of white nationalist domestic terrorism.

Also , lol at “Commie” , since you Rightards are all in bed with the Russians:

Strictgram · 70-79, C
No Russian collusion just as Trump has said for 2 years. Looks like the never Trumpers have gone in hiding.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User @SW-User Leftists don't want election investigation as they know there was massive fraud. 80% of Americans want voter ID but pinkos resist as they know they can't win a fair election.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User The truth hurts. No rebuttal possible for fellow traveler.
Looking back 2 years after Donnie told us "HE" defeated is Trump defeating ISIS working out? ;-) Kind of like the 75 other promises he conned you with for a vote--but didn't deliver on either, huh? ;-) ;-) ;-)
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Obnoxious.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Skunk.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Impeachment farce ends today. What will the anti- Trumpers think of next?
Advocate for abusive corporal punishment :

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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Incestuous.
@Strictgram Advocate of abusive corporal punishment for family members says what?

Obama didn't "allow" ISIS to be created. The administrated that attacked Iraq based upon a lie sowed those seeds.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Phony.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
We have a new President to hate on now. Haven’t you seen the news?
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@Pfuzylogic Leftist.
Pfuzylogic · M
You see these truths once trump’s Twitter account gets suspended and you have nowhere else to find your news.
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This message was deleted by its author.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User So the answer is zero convictions. Both Trump and Gaetz deny he asked for a pardon. They must know better than your leftist sources.

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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Fake news.
Pfuzylogic · M
trump tried to blame Obama on creating ISIS, news by a tweet. trump singlehandedly without conference by staff or even republican senators Recreated ISIS now. But Obama will not forget him.
Pfuzylogic · M
@Strictgram still costs half of 2008.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@Pfuzylogic So you support giving up energy independence and restricting oil and gas exploration? Saudi Arabia and Iran thank you for your support.
Pfuzylogic · M
I am collecting my retirement now but you are welcome.
I hardly see us dependent on any country but I do see us protecting the aquifer of Memphis. Funny how pipelines can destroy the ecology and native lands.
laotzu92 · M
Despite the blizzard of diatribes from the resistance and the never-trumpers, your point still stands.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@anythingoes477 OK you've had your say now be a good boy and get back in your straight jacket!
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@anythingoes477 Mostly liberal talking points nonsense.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@anythingoes477 Gone but missed by none.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Unemployment stats continue to shine. Economy gangbusters. Trump's only competition are socialists and baby killers!
Guess liberals here have gone back under their rocks.
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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Two anti American fools.
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Strictgram · 70-79, C
Where did all the never Trumpers go? Just too much good news for them to tolerate. Keep rooting against America blowhards!
Good luck with taking that power back. Voting Rights Act will get passed after Manchin drops the filibuster nonsense for that legislation only. You won’t get a damn thing passed even if by some miracle you do. Biden’ll just pick up where Moscow Mitch left off. @Strictgram
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Unconstitutionally federalize voting laws so you can continue to steal elections. Makes perfect sense to a cockroach!
strictgram----Typical Trumpanze. You bait for facts--until you get them. Once you do---you can't grasp what you just your response is a meaningless one word blurb. I get you. I talk to a lot like you. Pissed off but no idea at what or who. Mostly it's at yourselves. Failures in life that need someone else to blame that on. A Mexican took the good jobs. The Muslims want to take away your opportunities. The Jews took all the money. All you really know is that Comrade Rusky gave you the chance to rip everything--and be as racists as you always wanted to be and that is as far as it goes in you for depth.

When given every chance to refute anything you get in terms of facts from everyone here all you can do is be rude in return--or give a one word responses that addresses nothing said and poses no counterpoints at all. The reason for that is multifold but mostly it's because Trumpaneze cultists like to stay willfully ignorant. You--like the rest of us out here have wisdom on all subjects at your fingertips. In seconds you can know the truth about anything from science to how to play poker to Trump. You just CHOOSE to stay ignorant on everything. If it possibly MIGHT contradict what you think sounds about right in your own beliefs---you don't want to know. That is WILLFUL ignorance. You obviously are not terribly bright...but it's more than that.

You--like other cult members---have no facts to rebut what you are told. You have no counter argument to anything..........because first you cannot grasp or deal with anymore than you care to know and you have no desire to change that. Secondly if you did pay attention to would you deal with finding out your god was nothing more than a third rate con man and liar? To do that would mean you would have to be willing to say to those around you.."I was wrong about this guy"---"I did drink the Kool Aide". And you could never eat that crow. So for you, and others like you, even if you know you're wrong, you'll go down the drain screaming you're right and it's the rest of us that don't get it. You can't admit you were conned.

I told you I was done with you before......but I was sitting here bored and your brilliant one word comment came up. I was torn between getting a burger, clicking this off and ignoring you like the rest of the world does. I know you'll get NONE of this. It was typed out of boredom--and I know it will make sense to everyone else who reads this---other than you. So it had a purpose...just not one in regards to being anything you can comprehend. But then that's the case with all comments made to you, isn't it? lol lol
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@anythingoes477 You're right about one thing, you've got time on your hands.
firefall · 61-69, M
what babbling nonsense is this? nothing to do with reality, that's for sure
The only thing Strictgram actually knows anything about is advocating for abusive corporal punishment

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Strictgram · 70-79, C
@SW-User Pinko pervert.
ISIS/ISIL was created in April 2004. Maybe you should refresh your memory about who was president then. And maybe ou should refresh your memory about who TOTALLY BOTCHED the occupation of Iraq.

ISIL—formerly known as al-Qa‘ida in Iraq and later the Islamic State of Iraq—was established in April 2004 by Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqawi, who pledged his group’s allegiance to Usama Bin Ladin.

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chrisCA · M
The American invasion of Iraq destabilized the region which planted the seeds for Isis.
It did not help that the new Iraqis government alienated their minorities, and former Baathists.
RedBaron · M
Why? He's no longer president. There's no point.
But it hasn’t though.

This may be one of the most ignorant uniformed comments ever.

Google creation of Isis

You will get hundreds of sites all confirming

Camp Bucca: The US prison that became the birthplace of Isis

In response to torture in Abu graighb which you support because you’re a monster,
spjennifer · 61-69, T
I don't hate Donald tRump just because he was a lousy President, though he was, I've hated the misogynistic, sexist, paedo, racist, cheating bastard since the 80's so nothing new there. 🥴
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Strictgram His personal life has an affect on his Presidential Policies in his case. There never has been a more imperfect President, agreed but we should expect better from the person who is supposed to be the "Leader of the Free World"! They are only President for 4-8 years, what they've done with the rest of their lives has a definite influence on their Policies.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
@spjennifer I'd prefer Trump to a religious but incompetent like Jimmy Carter.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@Strictgram No disagreement that Jimmy Carter was fairly ineffective as a President domestically but at least he had honourable intentions and did a lot for world peace. Jimmy Carter was never a con man, tRump has always been one and still is...

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