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I Hate Donald Trump

I'm sure that what I'm about to say will get all kinds of hate in the comments section, but it has to be said. Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy. He doesn't respect the segments of our population that aren't white or male. His blatant disrespect for Latinos, women, and blacks make me sick. He has called women "pigs" and said that "laziness is a trait in blacks." I'm not going to go over his comments about the Hispanic community because I'm sure you've all heard him rant about rapists and the wall by now. Now that I'm going to have to transition on my own dime in my adult life, I have to be even more concerned over the person who leads this country, and I sincerely hope that I never have to say the phrase "President Donald Trump."
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MisterH · 46-50, C
I hate Donald Trump too, but not because of any reason you gave... I hate sociopaths purely on principle. He's not much of a threat to your democracy... you've never had any to start of with. And I have to admit, the idea of Trump turning the American presidency into a twenty-four-hour embarassment festival will be amusing to watch. But can he really do any more damage than the neoliberal suits have been doing since Reagan took office? Hardly. Will Trump be incompetent as a president? Of course. Sociopaths are always incompetent at anything other than being toxic excuses for human beings. But the way he's going to divide and confuse the ruling establishment with his ego... that is going to be entertaining. The people who are supporting him, though - they are an entirely different matter. And when they finally figure out that the Donald's promises was as fake as his supposed business acumen, well... you know what they say about stupid people in large groups.
TheProphet · M
I've never cared what anyone thought Lava and I'm not starting now.
TheProphet · M
I haven't been insulted yet. You'll have to try much much harder.
Do it do it do itttt
Without the support of the Hispanic community and the African American community...He doesn't stand a chance. Don't worry, he is nothing to worry about.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
[image/video deleted]
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
This is why I think Trump shouldn't be President. The President should unite the country. We're on Social media being torn apart. STOP.
TheProphet · M
I will always answer the way I want to.
How long have you been divorced now?
I should start then
TheProphet · M
My hairs to my waist and I don'y intend to ever cut it again.
Hahah yes trump will unite social media too. Youre right its called a dictatorship
TheProphet · M
Loved that YNS719
TheProphet · M
I don't drink.
@boomer You're right! DUMP 2K16! that's how you spell his name right?
I commented on it cuz i thought i should alert him to the fact ugh not worth my time
Drop the mic headlines. I officially unsubscribe
TheProphet · M
Lots of women like my hair and beard. Don't really care what a teeny bopper thinks.
TheProphet · M
Never been divorced. My wife of 32 years died 7 years ago. Promised her I'd never cut it again.
@boomer How do you know he or she wants that? You are stereotyping and applying your own bias. That was extremely offensive...apologize dude.
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
I wasn't saying he'd unite social media, I was merely making a point. He hasn't even won yet, and wtf does anyone's hair length have to do with Trump, or this kid's post? He never said anyone else had to pay for his surgery, he just was merely stating that he's afraid Trump will make life difficult for anyone who's different! So whatever, tryingtolava. Try development of brain cells instead of lava. Molten rock is not your friend!
Thats awkward af bruh
TheProphet · M
Trump will be good for America.
Like your hair is good for show then agreed
Were you sober? I dunno if you were...
Not worth the effort to put into you
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
I'm disabled. He openly made fun of handicapped people, also.
Good for you vomit on other peoples posts ;)
TheProphet · M
You aren't smart enough, especially if you support hillary.
@TL He's used to the insults. The world isn't kind to people like him
Um @lastbaby calm tf down and cut your hair ew
Wtf did you read the sign?
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Cutting down people over hair? Come on, people. We all have our opinions. Opinions are like assholes. We all have them!
@babyboomer The government paid you to teach??? You are right....they are dumb...
TheProphet · M
If you want to be a girl you fucking well ought to pay for it yourself. Not a dime of tax money should be spent on that.
TheProphet · M
For what head, just because I think he should pay his own way to be a girl. I don't care whether he whacks his dick off or not, just we shouldn't have to pay for it.
@boomer I was about to burn the hell out of you, but that's ok..... I'll keep calm.
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
All racists are assholes, but not all assholes are racists. I just believe he was in the public eye for far to long that if the crap being contributed to him were true and had real merit, it would have come out way longer then it did until he decided to run for office against a democrat. Oh, and yea, he has said some awful things and is a big time asshole, but not nearly for the reasons you seem to be venting about. (Only my opinion, don't take it personally or like I'm attacking you about it, not my intention ok.)
@Boomer Good to know nobody is forcing you to be an asshole!
tenente · 100+, M
but u r talking about trump - - that's how he get's his manna

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