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Purity Ball?

Have you seen this, and if you have, what do you think about christian fundies who are into this - like Mike Johnson, third in line for the president?

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There are many other concerns about sex at young ages that were - pointedly - not discussed in this "news" report.

If we're going to talk about it, let's talk about it.

I was never aware of "purity" rituals when I was a teenager. Nor was I ready for a sexual relationship at that age. I lucked out. I got to grow up first.

There is no mention here of what happens on the other side of this issue.

The children of more liberal cultures may not have unrealistic notions about purity or the burden of not being pure. They may not have the same sort of "Daddy" issues.

But there's more than one question here. Our society does not formally recognize or support the children of teenagers presented with offspring.

After youngsters engage (with at least tacit approval) in sex and get pregnant, what then?

There is medical proof that the human brain does not fully develop until the mid-to-late twenties.

Is there parental responsibility to help young people have a chance to finish designing a life for themselves before they accidentally become parents before they are no longer children?

I think there is. Are there preventative measures? Of course there are! Pregnancy can be mostly prevented, if precautions are taken.

That's a big if, even with couples over the age of consent. Young people often do not think things through. They do not understand the full ramifications of their choices.

I do not approve of the notion that a woman's body belongs first to her father and then to her husband. Nor do I agree that sex is a fun new toy for entertainment in the teenage years, because teenagers (and adults) do end up unintentionally pregnant.

And so, while one extreme is the Purity Ball, the other is "who takes care of the resultant children?"

Even if a very young father stays engaged in the life of a child, and even if the grandparents step in, it is entirely likely that the child will be the primary responsibility of the very young mother, who has to juggle motherhood with trying to grow up, which is difficult enough without carrying a new baby along with her.

It's not working, folks. Young mothers want to be young. Young fathers are usually not prepared to provide financial support. Babies get shuffled around. The fluidity of their childhood can result in confusion and destructiveness of THEIR growing-up years.

Why are we experiencing really dreadful waves of addiction to really dreadful drugs? How do the children born to addicts fare in their lives?

It's a far bigger issue than "Who gets to have orgasms?" And our care of the self-determination of women has to consider "What happens next?"

We have lost sight of the responsibility for the creation of new life, and the importance of babies being born into a circumstance that allows them, and their young parents, to flourish and succeed.
And there is an effort to stop birth control. And much incest exists. You did a great job on your response here. @Mamapolo2016
Carla · 61-69, F
Putity vows. From the ownership of your daddy to the ownership of a husband. And asking adolescents to make these vows. Female adolescents. The whole thing is just creepy.
@Carla Glad chastity belts aren't used anymore… or are they?
TheNumber34 · 46-50, M
Please enjoy your stay in Gilead.
@TheNumber34 You are not referring to me.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Purity rings were supposedly a 'thing' too. Look up toxic Christian church cult control concepts called Silver Ring Thing (now called 'Unaltered') and True Love Waits.

Didn't matter for me - no sex until my mid-20's because of my own issues around lack of self-confidence/esteeem/worth that haven't changed today.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Control freaks. 🤷🏻‍♂️

They have been throughout history.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
So her vagina belongs to her Daddy until he turns ownership of it over to her husband. Let's not teach young women about their sexuality or even contraception. This is beyond creepy and those days are long passed, women are people, not chattel. This is what Christain (sic) Fundamentalists want the future to look like for women, it's not just fiction!

@spjennifer I object to your use of the term, "pussy". If you are transexual, you are not a follower of tRump, the "grab 'em by the pussy" sicko.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@FlowersNButterflies Ok, so I will change it then, does vagina work?
@spjennifer No. Womb.
Not to put too fine a point on it, I think they’re sick.
So many things involved with fundamentalism in regards to religion are anti-woman, anti-female. This is just another example, and why I generally avoid folks who are fanatically theist.
@bijouxbroussard Exactly. That type are trying to take over. SICKOS!
spjennifer · 61-69, T
How does a 13 year old girl who has little to no knowledge or education of the procreative process make a commitment like this? You know it's not coming from her, she's been coerced by her Father and his Religion into making this commitment to satisfy their need for control of her vagina.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@FlowersNButterflies Perhaps but certainly not more crass than the men trying to take control over women's bodies.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@spjennifer Purity movement is exactly that - men controlling women and starting from an early age. Christianity re-inforces the belief that women are the property of men. I hate that, as I regard women as temples to be honoured. Otherwise us men better start learning how to have babies.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@zonavar68 I agree, the days when women were considered to be chattel and property of their Fathers and Husbands are long ago passed in most Countries.
I consider women to be people, the equal of man and same for men as the equal of women. No one should hold the right of property over anyone else or anyone else's body, that is slavery.
Renaci · 36-40
Most likely a child abuser.

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