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Shared With Love For Y'all 😎🙏🇺🇲

Don't Hero Worship Scientists & Doctors Too Much (it often goes to their heads)😏

***Thanks for the original share HippyJoe1955 👌🇺🇲🙏

A Doctor's Warning...

Do not outsource your logic or common sense. You may not be an expert in virology or epidemiology, or any other scientific discipline. But you can spot a blatant contradiction, you can see when things don’t add up, you can reason logically from premises to conclusions.

You are perfectly capable of recognizing that even science is subject to extrinsic fashions, and oftentimes “consensus” judgments are swayed by all too human motivations.

I passionately love science. I have loved studying it and practicing it from my earliest years.Science is a wondrous enterprise, a very noble and good pursuit. But science will fail us the moment we turn it into an idol. And scientists will fail us the moment we turn them into an oracle.

Aaron Kheriaty MD
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Don't Hero Worship Scientists

Scientists don’t hero-worship other scientists in the least.

Nobody hates a scientist more than other scientists.

There are no authorities in science, and competition is fierce and constant.

Nobody needs to be reminded of those simple realities.

subject to extrinsic fashions

That’s rich coming from a psychiatrist! 😂
Northwest · M

Sorry, I don’t trust anything coming from him.
Yetti · 51-55, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Yetti The idiot DippyShmoe.
Joe? No one thanks Joe for anything unless it's his other accounts. Thanks for outing yourself.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Why have you reposted this? HippyJoe posted it only a couple of hours ago…
Yetti · 51-55, M
@LordShadowfire - simplistic, like your response. No further replies ok Lockdown Larry? You can reply, but I won't. You need to be taught boundaries ok? 😂🖕
Yetti · 51-55, M
@newjaninev2 - you can get all self righteous, snarky, fearful or condescending, but I still won't give a shit enough to wear a mask, get another jab, be harrased and bullied by my leftist government again. No more Lock downs for Covid-Carrie here! And no more response from me on this subject. I'm not here to save you from the Stockholm syndrome that so many of your kind have proudly. I get it, you like the abuse, but that's sick and the government was never supposed to be "your daddy". Go and get a real one annnnd.....this shit show is done! Bye 🖕😅
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
@Yetti No it’s just lame and an irony that you reposted someone else’s post about “outsourcing your logic”

Nice example
Very true! Not to mention their conclusions are only based on current knowledge. As we learn new things, insights can of often should change.
Sounds good to me, but what's science without logic and common sense?

I missed HippyJoes post, btw.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@MistyCee I don't miss any of his posts. He did me a huge favor when he blocked me.
Pubic health, unlike psychiatry, is an inherently statistical science. And I know more about the eigenvectors of a covariance matrix than psychiatrist Aaron Kheriaty MD. Therefore, I'm going to trust my own statistical judgements over his.
@ElwoodBlues What has pubic health to do with this? 🤭
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'm very hesitant to agree with this, because I've noticed that people who complain the most about the consensus are the ones who blindly follow some disgraced former scientist on YouTube who is promoting the use of horse dewormers and other dangerous substances.

I do, however, agree with the basic message.

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