DaneeK · 31-35, F
I, unfortunately, feel the same. Also unfortunately, my bank account says that as well.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Most overrated chain ever.
AmericanBroad · 31-35, FVIP
Lol same here!
Theparentingstorks · 56-60, F
Oh...sure... Safat. Nothing u daddy could do..without expert, ethopian. I am he'll syre, Abdul kader, more than greatful to that ethopian crook of West Los Angeles. SO ARE THE passa..fukk, 425 west drive.. 04/25/1981.. Afroza Zhumur. And her pakistani.. VATAR OF Rockville, .p.o box..137.
bethany444 · 56-60, F
That damn peppermint mocha!!
DaneeK · 31-35, F
and Cafe mochas..and, and..