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Kindness is so needed in this world.

There's an older lady that lives in my building. She is known as a bit of a busy body but also likes to help people if she can.
She does food shopping for some neighbours, has cooked for them when they're ill. Done laundry and so on.

I've always tried to be cordial and keep things light but since I got my dog she's really taken the time to talk to me and open up.

In the last week she's been saying to my partner that she planned to visit and drop off some gifts.

Bless her she went all out. Full set of hat and scarf.. hooded cardigan also a teddy and a little tracksuit.

I was gob smacked by it all ❤
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PHlover19701 · 56-60, M Best Comment
I completely agree. More kindness is needed. Some people are going through their individual struggles, which they naturally keep to themselves. With a little more kindness maybe that person will have a little better day.

Im glad your neighbor is setting the example by just being herself.

Great story...thank you for sharing.

4meAndyou · F
That is lovely! There are neighbors like that in my apartment building, too. They all watch out for one another, and when someone is really ill, they will cook for them. You are VERY lucky to have found such a lovely neighbor.
She sounds like a sweetheart
@HijabaDabbaDoo Is that you in your pic?
@SinlessOnslaught in my true form
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Such people are gems.. And even a "thank you" can make their day. Treasure her..😷
That’s really the definition of the "good neighbor".
Beautiful story. 😊
DDaverde · 61-69, M
That’s nice we need more good people like that !
What a beautiful heart ! We need more of those random acts of kindness. ☺
Zeuro · 26-30, F
That’s super sweet
Rumination · 41-45, M
I’d say she’s got life figured out.
Awe how sweet of her
markinkansas · 61-69, M
she is setting examples of how to be a good neighbor
Lilnonames · F
That's why I try help in trailer park. Let kids play with scooters and bikes I fixed. With parents permission of course
candycane · 36-40, F
That's really sweet🙏
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
@candycane it is... I am always surprised when anyone does anything kind for me.
isthisafakeprofile · 61-69, M
Please give her my address and let her know she is welcome to live in rent free and be provided with comfortable private accommodations and be part of the family if she wishes and join us for all meals with no obligations on her part. My wife is very nice.

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