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Does the promise still stand?

Years ago a customer at my work did a very generous, kind thing for me and made me promise not to tell anyone what she did. I have kept the promise. Well a couple of days ago I found out that she died last week and I have been wanting to tell people who knew her how kind she was to me years ago.
So would I be breaking the promise I made if I mentioned what she did, since she is dead now? Genuinely curious. I'm a very honest, moral person and would never want to break a promise I made. Not sure if her death would mean the promise is void now?
daydeeo · 61-69, M
I disagree. If telling it would honor her memory, do it.
She's no longer here to be embarrassed by it, so it's fine.
She was very humble and modest in life, she should be honored for that.
I get the point that once a promise is made it is for good. On the other hand, it would be paying a tribute to the lady's kind nature. Maybe if you just made a general comment like "She once did something nice for me" and leave it at that.
Mardrae · F
@jackieash27 I did do that a few days ago. Her sister came through my line at work and started showing me pictures of her sister and talking about her and asking me how she looked when she came in last. In our conversation, I said " she was a wonderful person- years ago she did something very kind to me and I always enjoyed talking to her "
@Mardrae That's lovely.
matthewjames · 18-21, M
no you made a promise so hav to keep it
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
It is obviously weighing heavily on your mind , & with good reason & intention. You say she was a lovely person, so i'm pretty certain now that shes gone , would not wish you to remain conflicted like you are.

So yes i think you ought to unburden your thoughts . By all accounts it seems as though she did a wonderful thing.
No, it was a promise. You can say what a great and kind lady she was. You can pat her back, you can say things about her helping you. What she actually did doesn't matter much so why mention it now?
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
A promise is a promise, then, now and forever.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
They go to the grave with us…
I think honoring her life & character by telling it now is ok.😊
Bang5luts · M
Yes the promise still stands in my opinion.but tbh that is truly for you to decide
NinaTina · 26-30, F
No she made you promise for a reason and if told may hurt others keep it and write it down and put away in your keepsakes. And when you die it can be told

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