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I’m saying this again, happiness is a choice.

When I was a kid I knew a man who lived by the motto “happiness is a choice”. Back then I didn’t believe him at all because I couldn’t even begin to relate. I figured he only said that because, looking at his life, he had a lot to be grateful for. I believed if I had his things, then I’d be happy too. I lived the next decades of my life thinking he was wrong. Trying to get what he had. This made me a very negative person who made a lot of mistakes eventually losing everything I loved.

As I sat there with nothing left. There was no reason anymore to continue as I was. It was end it all there, or try something new. I thought of his words and smirked at how stupid they were. It if were so simple as to be a choice, everyone would make it. I very senselessly thought to myself, “well thinking it’s not a choice clearly hasn’t done me any good, so let’s try to believe it is”. At that time it was as foolish as it felt. Obviously this didn’t work. Things don’t just magically happen like that, but from that point on I made a series of choices that instead of validating my beliefs, did the opposite. Invalidated them.

Despite being diagnosed with clinical depression, I did what mentally healthy people did. Like working out. Studying interests. I went against myself wherever possible. Did it help? No. Depression doesn’t just go away like that. Still, I wasn’t about to confirm my lingering belief that happiness wasn’t a choice because that ruined my life. I didn’t want to go back there.

So I continued, focused on invalidating that idea by constantly saying it’s a choice even though that was doing nothing. I went on like this for years, stubbornly saying it’s a choice even though no part of me felt it was. It wasn’t. I knew that. Still I choked it out, sometimes through tears. The pain never changed, depression isn’t something that just goes away…

…but here’s what did happen. After overcoming myself for so long despite remaining the same I had unintentionally proved something. I could do that. The more I worked on myself, the more I was okay with suffering. After all this time with having none of my efforts to change pay off and being stuck exactly as I was no matter what I did, after all of that, I realized something. Saying happiness is a choice doesn’t mean you don’t struggle. I spent so long working hard thinking it would one day stop but it doesn’t. It just means you accept struggling.

Choosing happiness, at least for me, it was never about getting over it. Moving on. No longer hurting. It’s about living my best life no matter how much it does hurt. I’m grateful for all the pain I’ve experienced because now it doesn’t make me weaker by convincing me of what I can’t do. The opposite. It makes stronger by showing me what I can do. The deeper the wound, the deeper my love.

Whenever my heart bleeds, it’s not telling me make it stop or to run away like I always thought. It’s telling me to endure because the meaning found in that choice frees me from the prison I would know if I couldn’t make it. If I felt like I did before. As if there was no choice.

As paradoxical as this is going to sound, I discovered there is a choice in having no choice. The love I have now, it doesn’t care about how respected it is, or how much it’s taken care of. It cares about only one thing. Being free to choose no matter what I’m forced to go through.

All this is to say, the ability to make a choice isn’t about what you see, what you know, or even what you understand. It’s about the the path you don’t see, or know, or understand. After all, there is no choice in staying on the same path. Is there?

…maybe I can’t change who I am, but I certainly change where he’s going.
If only it worked like that for everyone who has depression
Reject · 26-30, M
@SW-User I know. I do wish it could. Everyone’s depression is different, and I used to think that meant I couldn’t do anything about it. That really made it worse, I’ll tell ya.
Thank you so much for a really well thought out post on happiness, this is the entire basis that the very sensible "new" psychology is based on (Positive psychology) a program that is available totally free on YouTube.

This "therapy" offers simple exercises especially valuable for those who have suffered long time depression and other maladaptive behaviors that have plagued so many for so long. No more complicated psych. jargon even someone with an advanced degree has difficulty understanding.

My pursuit of happiness is what brought me to my now habitual and daily practice of a gratitude check.

The more I realize I am grateful for, t he more things come into my life that make me BOTH happy and grateful

The fact you have recognized this so early on is an affirmation that people your age are going to have a major, positive impact. You and many of your generation rid this current trend of negativity and hatred. You represent a hope for a better tomorrow.

I wish you well. And thanks again for taking the time to share your enlightenment. (Sorry for all the typos)
@Reject Glad to hear my words provided some positive reinforcement. Nevermind the naysayers here, they always manage to find a negative slant no matter what. Just continue on.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Grateful4you That’s true. I used to be the same way as them. Always finding the negative in a situation. It’s there for sure, but that’s not what I choose to focus on anymore. I know if I wanted, I could’ve been right about having no choice for the rest of my days. I’m happy I dared to be wrong and I’m happy it lead me down a path where I get to meet people like you.
@Reject Nice (and very true)
From your comments on the site I sense you are thoughtful but perhaps without meaning to sometimes you come across as wanting to be ‘right’ (not referring to this post exclusively)
Reject · 26-30, M
@BeefySenpie Dear me, I’ve certainly had my moments of thinking I know more than I do. That’s why my story is not a perfect one. I don’t believe there is any right. At least not a universal one, yet I can be uncompromising on my side of things, because it’s what works for me and anyone who tries to stop that is someone I don’t entertain. That’s my one rule with company I keep. Don’t get in the way of how I love myself. Indeed that has made me critical of others! More than I should be. Consider it my flaw. If you don’t like it, then we can go separate ways and be much happier for it I think. Does that make sense?
@Reject different ways swaying away left n right n left in the bylanes of life

Not considering bits n pieces that occurs on the way sharp as any edged knife.
Wiseacre · F
Good for u, but don't expect many to relate to it!
Reject · 26-30, M
@Wiseacre I don’t. It’s funny how many people have been so defensive here. It’s okay. I’m not attacking any of you. Lol. This is just my story.
I think our environments effect our moods more than we have any control over.. a negative word or person or sentiment being protected onto us really does effect us.. for better or for worse.. we are not always immune.. in some cases we can ignore it but other times it gets to us..
Reject · 26-30, M
@SStarfish I agree. Completely. I’ve never been immune to anything. I couldn’t even ignore it.
Dino11 · M
If you like getting up in the morning, and you like what you see in the mirror,
regardless of anything else, that's real happiness
Reject · 26-30, M
@Dino11 I do! I love what I see. Gosh is it not perfect. Lol. My face was never exactly what I wanted, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s what I have and that’s more than enough.
Dino11 · M
@Reject You are fortunate
Wiseacre · F
@Dino11 it helps, but not enough!
Lemony1199 · F
To give those who are in depression such a hope is beyond price!! Some of us doesn't even know that there's a choice,( I didn't ) .

I'm glad you living this life now thank you for sharing this here.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Lemony1199 I’m not sure I was able to reach them sadly. They may be exactly where I was when I first heard that phrase as a kid. Disproving it by focusing on the things we can’t change. Unfortunately that makes you lose sight of what you can. Thank you for taking the time to read! I know it was long.
It's not so black and white
Reject · 26-30, M
@SlippingAway Nothing is!
he's going...
Reject · 26-30, M
@sspec WHO? Myself! Lol. I referred to myself in the third person because it felt right. Like helping myself.

WHERE? I do not know. Again, it’s a path I do not see, know, or understand because I’ve never walked it before. The only thing that’s certain is that I can walk it. I couldn’t before.
@Reject Smiling at that on a smwt empty stomach,
Sounds like Yuck yet Yayyy, better after cleaning muck.
"no choice"

these are the keywords
Reject · 26-30, M
@fakable Sure! If that’s what you want to focus on that’s your prerogative.
If it worked for you, that only means it worked for you.
Reject · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard True! This is my story and how I figured this thing out. I imagine everyone has their own, but it usually helps to listen to those who might be further along than you on goals you may aspire to. I’m not saying that’s me. I could be way behind you, but where I am is a place that happiness is my choice to make.
Everything in life is a choice … like some people are free to choose better than the bs they dish out lol 🥳
Reject · 26-30, M
@SW-User Right! We always have a choice, not in what we receive, but in what we give and that is more than enough. ♥️

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