Really telling myself I have to commit to getting my taxes done tomorrow...I've had all my paperwork for a month but it's just been way too easy to procrastinate on it. I'm expecting a refund, so it's not a reluctance to pay out. But I do somewhat miss when my income was simple enough for EZ file. Now I've got ESPP program... See More »
Tax Panic - Letter from hell.If you use TurboTax and allow it to import your income information or use a form photo double check every number before you file and don't assume it transferred the numbers correctly. I'm on Social Security and a small untaxable pension. Today I... See More » (1)
how do you handle the cost of living going upi'm on benefits, a fixed income which is not very much and when i go grocery shopping i feel it, as i can't afford a lot of things i want now, i usually spend about £80 on groceries and the rest of my money goes on bills, which take nearly all my... See More »
Public service anouncementIRS does not send text or e-mail messages regarding tax refunds. If you get one report it to then delete it. For goodness sake do not click on any links it has or reply to it.
A message for Turbo Tax.Look Dudes I live on Social Security and a small pension. For the past two years I've qualified to file my federal and state for free through you. Why the hell do you want me to keep talking to a tax expert to increase my refund? I have no... See More »