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Time to wake up!

How do you persuade a populace to embrace totalitarianism, you persuade the people that the menace they face (imaginary or not) is so sinister, so overwhelming, so fearsome that the only way to surmount the danger is by empowering the government to take all necessary steps to quash it, even if that means allowing government to trample all over the Constitution.

This is how you use the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-endowed people to shackle themselves to a dictatorship.

It works the same way every time.

The government’s overblown, extended wars on terrorism, drugs, violence, illegal immigration, and so-called domestic extremism have been convenient ruses used to terrorize the populace into relinquishing more of their freedoms in exchange for elusive promises of security.

Having allowed our fears to be codified and our actions criminalized, we now find ourselves in a strange new world where just about everything we do is criminalized, even our ability to choose whether or not to wear a mask in public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Strangely enough, in the face of outright corruption and incompetency on the part of our elected officials, Americans in general remain relatively gullible, eager to be persuaded that the government can solve the problems that plague us, whether it be terrorism, an economic depression, an environmental disaster, or a global pandemic.

We have relinquished control over the most intimate aspects of our lives to government officials who, while they may occupy seats of authority, are neither wiser, smarter. Yet having bought into the false notion that the government does indeed know what’s best for us and can ensure not only our safety but our happiness and will take care of us from cradle to grave—that is, from daycare centers to nursing homes—we have in actuality allowed ourselves to be bridled and turned into slaves at the bidding of a government that cares little for our freedoms or our happiness.

Once a free people allows the government inroads into their freedoms or uses those same freedoms as bargaining chips for security, it quickly becomes a slippery slope to outright tyranny.

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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Now turn the book around and read the front cover.

The government is denying there's really a problem, which is why funding to schools will be denied.

Whose the real problem?

You know your right, it is the government! The federal government is the problem!

Healthcare workers on the front lines at least honor their oaths to people.
GaVmarts · 31-35, M
@DeWayfarer Healthcare workers do honor their oaths . Thank God they are speaking out about the fearmongering tactics of the government
GaVmarts · 31-35, M
@DeWayfarer Trump/Pence 2020

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@GaVmarts And who is the head of that government that is hiding the information! The very dictator you want in office! The same one that moved the data out of the control of the CDC who are apart of health care professionals!

Ignorance doesn't behove you!
Perp walk Bill Clinton for screwing kids on
His pedi friends island?
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout and his fat cunt of a wife once quoted “children belong to the government, not the parents”.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@SW-User It's right in her book "It takes a Village"
revenant · F
Obliterating your rights over false claims of safety
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revenant · F
@JAYS21 wise words here !
Midnightnerd · 22-25, M
@revenant The War on Terror was like that too
Peaches · F
This is so scary and TRUE! 😟 Many will line up and do what they are told.👎🏼
Carissimi · F
Very well said. 👏
fairgame123 · 61-69, C
Thank you 👍️
AkAtSUki · F
this is true. It's very easy to control the masses and get them divided
.. people freak out when i don't wear my mask outside
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
I agree with most of this... but then the conclusion doesn’t connect.
Peaches · F
@JoeyFoxx Let's not hold our breath for the "conclusion!"😯
Midnightnerd · 22-25, M
The War on Terror was like that too
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
That is for the paranoid!

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