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I Am Going to Say Something Controversial

How to create a crisis and take away freedoms:
1. Report all illnesses as coronavirus - check the major cities department of health reports. An unnatural drop in flu cases and other infectious diseases is paired with an increase in coronavirus cases.
2. Report all deaths as COVID-19. Again, reports available online through health departments. No increase in mortality rate across the United States. This doesn't make sense during a "pandemic" - suggests that the number of deaths and causes of death have not changed, just the way they are reported.
3. Shut down hospitals and health care centers near and in big cities. Reduce hospital staff. This creates a sense of increased emergency hospital traffic, but actually is just concentrating the traffic at select facilities.
4. Isolate the population and restrict traveling to decrease the ability to recognize what is happening.
5. Partner with the media to report constant warnings, and conflicting reports to cause general confusion.
6. Create a face for the "crisis" that is untouchable, something sacred that will be used to deter and attack doubters - Nurses.
7. Polarize the public by politicizing their opinions, to ensure a gridlock of actions and further slow any descent.
8. Take away the ability for individuals to support themselves to gain further dependency on the government.
9. Create a general disdain for those trying to hold onto our freedom by labeling them equivalent to murderers - count every death as COVID-19 and blame its continued existence on protesters.
10. Win elections with promises of handouts and protection.
11. Pass laws to allow sweeping government authority, and validating unconstitutional responses to anything the government deems as a crisis

The information is out there. A study by Stanford University on infection rate - Infectious disease surveillance reports through health departments - Detroit Free Press article on closing hospitals and reducing staff - Reports by ABC news on what is being counted as COVID-19 deaths - Dr. Fauci press conference in which he says a patient who dies and test positive will be counted as COVID-19 no matter the circumstances.

The truth is out there if you want to look for it. If it doesn't fit your political views though, you won't look for it.
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Lmao. Everything is a conspiracy theory, isn't it? 🤷🏻‍♀️
revenant · F
you can pass any laws under the guise of safety
curiosi · 61-69, F
@revenant Which is why they have hyped it up so much. The sheep will agree to anything when they are full of fear.
revenant · F
@curiosi yes, the trick of It is for your own good dear
TexChik · F
I wonder if they will claim Little Richard’s death as covid related .
Hillary just said it; don't let a crisis go to waste.
@BizSuitStacy Gosh, she sounds like a Republican.
@LeopoldBloom you mean Rahm Emanuel? That Republican? 🤦‍♀️
@BizSuitStacy Rahm Emanuel? Wow, that's a blast from the past. Actually, I was thinking of Wendell Willkie.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
A man on "Coast to Coast" radio was talking about this subject this morning. If a hospital puts a Covid-19 patient on a respirator, they get $39,000 from (Medicare, I think he said.) Also, they get $13,ooo for every Covid-19 patient they treat.
jeancolby · 31-35, F
@ProfessorPlum77 Yes I saw that as well. Everything from that point on was covid 19. Hospitals are making out like bandits.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@ProfessorPlum77 they get $1000 just for reporting a case of covid (supposedly to pay for testing kits, which is quite frankly bs...)
AkAtSUki · F
Sounds about it ! But most ppl can't see it tho.
Peaches · F
So true!😒 The "elite" is trying to find a way to control us.👎🏼
It’s hilarious that you believe that. Let me guess, you think the moon landing was fake, Elvis is still alive, and 9/11 was an inside job, amirite?
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom But Elvis is alive 😠
@assemblingaknob Yes, he is. He was kidnapped by the Mossad and all this time has been forced to give private performances to the Knesset.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@LeopoldBloom That should be a movie.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
Get your T shirts now people

Peaches · F
@Kwek00 Actually I find them all scary, especially if you can find out what's all in them!😯
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@Peaches Honestly Peach... if you type in: "Flu vaccine ingredients", then you get a lot of hits. If you then click on a website and go to "about us", you'll find credentials and an explenation on who is mainting the website. If you look up these credentials, and they seem legit, then you can just trust that the ingredients listed on their page are legit too.

And the F.D.A. also keeps track of this. I'm pretty sure it's illegale for a compagny to not list their ingredients when it comes to this. But I don't know the laws from the U.S.
Peaches · F
@Kwek00 I appreciate the link, ⭐️ thank you.
today's hearing in the Senate:Fauci was asked whether the overall coronavirus death toll was accurate. "The number is likely higher," Fauci responded. "I don't know exactly what percent higher -- but almost certainly it's higher."
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
Fauci is saying we won't be back to normal until 2022.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@ProfessorPlum77 Fauci has reversed his thinking on mask wearing since Joe said he would make them mandatory while driving on the freeway. Fauci now agrees. It's obvious that Fauci is a leftie and playing politics.
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
@curiosi I saw someone today, driving alone, wearing a mask. 🤔
What are your public health credentials ?
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
I love how the mass hysteria media is so complicit in all the crap to ruin a great nation

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