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I Am Going to Say Something Controversial

Jesus was literally just a guy. So many people are out there killing people in the name of Jesus, because that's what he would do. Or "Jesus died for our sins" do you really think he's sitting up in heaven watching over us thinking, "Wow, I sure am glad that these lunatics are murdering people for me" he could have been an accountant for all we really know.
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Yes, it is very difficult for many of us to understand how people can believe a story as patently weird as the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.
What I have learned, is that people hold onto even a silly sounding belief system because it makes them feel like they're not going to die, or that somebody somewhere will save them. Worse, it does no good to try to change their mind.
It is very difficult to deprogram a Christian as they are completely surrounded by other believers.
There are some very interesting brand studies that suggest that some people are hardwired to believe in things and others more to be skeptical of them. I am in the last category.
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Lostsavage · 46-50, M
Jesus? You mean that guy people keep finding in jail? He must be a drug dealer, or something.
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Lostsavage · 46-50, M
@dunpender By all means, let's be serious. I mean, really, let's get serious. There's nothing funny about people killing each other over what boils down to a millennia old argument over who has the best invisible friend.
Lostsavage · 46-50, M
I joke and laugh because if I really payed attention to what's going on I would spend most my time crying.
NorthernBear · 51-55, M
Actually, he was more than one guy. Aside from that, you are right.
I am not a believer, too many contradictions.
lehcar · 22-25, F
So many religions that billions of people say are really true. The logical answer, is that none of them are.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
Omg I totally agree and I love that you're not afraid to speak your mind.
booboo · M
yep, it's controversial...
Gforce1163 · 61-69, M
Well that escalated 🙂
john146wtl · 41-45, F
The Bible warns against people thinking they're doing God service, but kill you. John Ch. 16, vs. 2. Jesus, Himself, is against people doing that.
NorthernBear · 51-55, M
@john146wtl Yeah but there is also Mark 7:9-13.
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NorthernBear · 51-55, M
You don't have to subscribe to that part for my point to be valid. I just used it to illustrate the circular logic. Something more obviously ludicrous may illustrate it better.

I start with the premise that all colas have caffeine and that they are the only soda that does. I ignore all proof otherwise and conclude that caffeine-free Coke is not a cola and that Mountain Dew is. Caffeine-free Coke is not a "real" cola, just like the people doing the killing in Ireland and Bosnia are not "real" Christians. Circular logic 101.
NorthernBear · 51-55, M
Ah, crap! I'm the one saying there is no point in debating, and then I'm the one who let myself get pulled into it. I'm going to follow Mark Twain's advice and stop now.
wickey · 70-79, M
The son of a wicked guy.
An immaculate conception of a virgin mother ? @wickey
wickey · 70-79, M
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lehcar · 22-25, F
@dunpender It's just an example. I'm really criticizing religion as a whole
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GoneByeNow · 41-45, M
Jesus was a carpenter and a spoofer that's all! Nonsense.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Jesus isn't the problem. Idiotic people are the problem. Many religions are used to justify all manner of subhuman behavior.
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NorthernBear · 51-55, M
@SW-User "You must not murder" is part of the so-called Law of Moses. This same Law also commands killing people for worshiping the wrong goD, mixing fabrics, and disobeying their parents among other things. Christian scripture quotes Jesus as criticizing the religious leaders of his day for not stoning disobedient children.

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