I Am Going to Say Something Controversial
The first death is the hardest death
When you were taken from me it hit home the impermance of life, when I could breath again.
When death comes again -I can breath as I know how it feels
The first death was all of them together - knowing the first death
(My dad was 48 when he passed on - I was 9)
True peace is allowing for the pain, then the peace that the cycle of life goes on, the flowers bloom and we breath again and again
The first death is the hardest death
When you were taken from me it hit home the impermance of life, when I could breath again.
When death comes again -I can breath as I know how it feels
The first death was all of them together - knowing the first death
(My dad was 48 when he passed on - I was 9)
True peace is allowing for the pain, then the peace that the cycle of life goes on, the flowers bloom and we breath again and again