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What could and should have been

"My friend! We live in a wonderful time - a time of great construction, extraordinary discoveries, a time of the irrepressible movement of our society towards communism. Our wonderful time is full of the romance of creating something new, full of big dreams. Our tomorrow is the communism we built. Let's dream together today..."

Vasily Zakharencho in "Journey to Tomorrow" how he imagined the future of the USSR.

The Soviet Union might not exist anymore and did not manage to meet its own expectations and aspirations but I still believe in a society based on science, exploration and community. One that is free from the shackles of Capitalism.
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Sure...give communism another shot. Communist totalitarians only killed 100+ million people in the 20th century. I'm sure they can do better next time.

Gloomy · F
@Gloomy And yet Einstein was vehemently opposed to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Weird contradiction for a socialist, dontcha think?
Gloomy · F
@BizSuitStacy Nazis were fascist and no scolar nor anyone in Germany would put Communism and National Socialism in the same group. Nazis were right wing.
Gloomy · F
@Gloomy "The Nazi Party was one of a number of right-wing extremist political groups that emerged in Germany following World War I. Beginning with the onset of the Great Depression it rose rapidly from obscurity to political prominence, becoming the largest party in the German parliament in 1932." from the Holocaust Encyclopedia
@Gloomy LMAO...socialism is communism with training wheels. Saying that socialism is to the right of communism is like saying dog shit is less offensive smelling than cat shit. While true, they still both stink like shit.

Einstein actually fled from the socialism he seems to embrace. Let's face it...he was a brilliant physicist, but a lousy economist. Where did he end up? In the grestest country in the world. And why is the United States the greatest country ever...because capitalism rules, baby! Capitalism creates incredible wealth and improves everyone's standard of living. Communism, on the other hand, has a perfect track record of destroying wealth and the lives of people who live under it. Only a handful of elites prosper under communism. Everyone else suffers or dies.
Gloomy · F
@BizSuitStacy Socialism is a step in the road to Communism. Nazis despised Marxists and killed Communists and other leftists.

Nazis held nationalistic and racist beliefs which is incompatible with socialism.
Deaths under Nazi Germany were not due to a bad economy or famine but through systemic annihilation of minority groups and leftists.

Incredible wealth for a minority and bad healthcare and no social security for the masses. Your American Dream and the propaganda that the US are the greatest country has rotten away a long time ago.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Gloomy yet everyone tries to come here
Gloomy · F
@MasterLee They would probably go to Europe if they could.
You treat them so well thinking of the human trafficker Ron DeSantis.
Incredible wealth for a minority and bad healthcare and no social security for the masses. Your American Dream and the propaganda that the US are the greatest country has rotten away a long time ago.

Capitalism leads to a large middle class toots. Does the communism in Cuba? Why no. I mean your communist haven is about 90 miles south of Miami. Why not movr there?
Bad health care? LMFAO! Here, let me help you. It isn't bad. You don't like it because you have to pay for it. There is no finer health care system than in the US. Expensive? Yes. Are you that naive that you think healthcare everywhere else is free? Hell no...it's just heavily subsidized with tax dollars. Someone is paying. Maybe not you and perhaps that's what you like about it.
As for social security...you know what a ponzi scheme is, right? That's the US social security system. Old people will get paid as long as there are enough young people working.

The American dream is still alive and well, but certainly is threated by the Marxists f***ing up the country.

Give us an example where commumism has been a success? Russia? China? Gosh...they've abandoned it economically. I wonder why. Hmmm...how about Cuba or North Korea? Tell us about the thriving middle class, their wonderful healthcare and social security systems.

The root of all socialism and communism is pure greed. It's all about other people's money.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
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