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I Am Pro Choice

i've always supported a woman's right to choose. i have a problem with those that wait until after conception to decide.
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Serenitree · F
Making the decision to not become pregnant is the better way, but, once conception has happened, it then becomes a choice, if the pregnancy is unwanted.

My only objection is with young women who think it's a reasonable method of birth control.
@Serenitree I hear about women doing that, but I don’t know how true it is. Some forms of birth control are free. Abortions are not, at least not in the U.S.
Serenitree · F
@bijouxbroussard You're not in Canada, Ontario in particular. When I was in hospital for surgery, there was a 15 year old girl, having her 5th abortion. Why? She doesn't like condoms, and all other methods make her sick. There's a young-ish woman, a friend of my granddaughter who just had her 13th a couple of months ago. She isn't 30 yet. Abortions are legal and paid for by Ontario Health Insurance Plan. So, yeah, it's true here in the true north strong and free. Free being the key word here.
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
In the U.S. abortions cost an arm and a leg. More expensive than birth control.
ProfMarston · 41-45, M
this discussion has spiralled into the absurd, so i will be unfollowing after this comment. i am obviously a "pro-lifer". i am also VERY opposed to children being abused or left in an abusive environment. as for changing her mind after she becomes pregnant, that's like a parent changing their mind after the kid is born and committing infanticide. life begins at conception. terminating that life before birth is MORALLY murder, even though the law allows it. i advocate changing the law. if you can't do the time, don't do the crime. or more broadly, if you cannot live with the results of your actions, don't do the action. it's called RESPONSIBILITY. there will always be extenuating circumstances, but the majority of abortions are unnecessary.
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
@ProfMarston Then go to a pro life or anti abortion group. This is a pro choice group.
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
@bijouxbroussard very well said.
You have a problem with those who decide after conception?
But if it’s neither your body nor your baby, it’s really not your problem.
Serenitree · F
@bijouxbroussard They ignore it, apparently. I've had some very hostile people tell me I should have been aborted, when I've said
"Is it better to torture the child for a few years before killing it?"
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
@ProfMarston actually the definition of murder is to unlawfully kill a human being. If abortion is murder, then call the police. It’s not your body, not your business. As long as that woman is pregnant, she makes ALL medical decisions, not you. There was a time when men weren’t even allowed in the delivery room. Today, it is the woman who decides who she wants in the delivery room with her.

It’s so easy for you to say “choose adoption”, after a woman’s been raped and got pregnant as a result. Because you’ve never been raped and pregnant. I find it interesting that you think you have the right to tell any woman what to do with her pregnancy.
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
@ProfMarston Do you know why it is the pregnant woman’s decision? Because nobody knows what her pregnancy feels like. They don’t know what she is feeling or her comfort level. From a medical standpoint, doctors need to follow her lead. Not the man’s lead. He’s not the one pregnant, she is.

If they discussed pregnancy plans, she ends up pregnant and changes her mind, that is her right. Women change their minds all the time. Especially if they are feeling things physically related to her pregnancy, that makes her feel the need to terminate. A call that should never be discussed.
NaturalBeautyQueen · 41-45, F
So.... How would she know at the time of conception, if she’s pregnant?

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