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How long have you been using Similar Worlds for?

Im the most amazing man in the universe just incase you were wondering
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
Since Christmas.

Alright, I look forward to seeing your acts of greatness.
GunFinger · F
Since July 2016 on and off
UndeadSona · F
I just came back but definitely since the beginning.

I only have two accounts left though . Tryna decide if I should delete them and start fresh
@UndeadSona I remember you tbfh 😉
UndeadSona · F
@SW-User hey tbfh
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
Scribbles · 36-40, F

I'm getting a kick out of your username. Some of my siblings used to call the others kartoffelkopf if one of us said something remarkably dim. Lol. I found it amusing as a child.
I joined around may or june 2020. Always been alongalone with same pic. I have an alt account too I never use just for looking at SW unblocked..
That’s why you came to similar worlds… got it! 👌

I have some land in China too just in case you might be interested. 🤓
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I've been here exactly as long as you. I don't count the time before you arrived, the before-times don't matter now that you're here
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Lurked from April 16th 2016. Joined Oct 8th 2016. Been active ever since.
helenS · 36-40, F
I joined on April 16, 2016.
Welcome to the mothership! There's a cabin for everyone.
🌷 <== your personal welcome tulip
BeJeweled · 61-69, F
A year or so after it came on the web.
YoMomma ·
A long long time
Since 2017
Lostpoet · M
Four years
nacnud · 36-40, M
5 years for me.

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