There was a guy in my town that was stabbed in the neck by some Young Thug as part of a gang initiation. What should the victim have done. Is this not a good enough argument for no gun control
No, it isn't. If the victim had a gun, there's no guarantee he'd have it on him. If he DID have it on him, the odds are excellent that it'd be taken off him and he'd get shot as well as stabbed.
@Pherick not all people die from stabbing I know this cause I work in the ER. No special forces training needed. Its called fight or flight. It's sad to see more people are taking the flight
@Pherick like I said some people shut down and some people fight. You believe what u wanna believe. Obviously you are going to come up with a scenario where I'm wrong and you're right and vice versa. I tote my handgun with me everywhere and i'm very skilled with its functioning. I wouldn't think twice about using it I was endanger or family. You think I need some special training to fight for my life I believe you are wrong. It has been proven that the amount of deaths or violent attacks by criminals happens more often in gun free zones
@Kenscoff police get there after the crime is committed not during there was no cops anywhere around at this time. I don't see the point in making it easy to be a victim
@Kenscoff and where would that be? Europe has some of the strictest laws but still has violent crimes committed with knives and other tools not to mention they're more likely to have break-ins with the family at home
@Kenscoff maybe not you but a woman. Sex trafficking over in Europe is outrageous what then. It's all well and good that you feel safe what about the defenseless