In the UK, we've had very strict gun controls in place since WW2 (or thereabouts) and our general police force is unarmed. That must tell you something right.
@GeniUs There are too many of those. The ones where a kid gets a hold of a gun and then manages to shoot another kid, himself or his parents are the ones that get me.
@stratosranger they should do away with all the armored cars and bullet proof glass as well... just make the white house a "gun free zone" since they seem to think that works for every other place... 🤔
So you support legislation to keep bad guys from getting guns, right? Like not allowing domestic abusers or those convicted of assault to purchase guns.
In my country our police force has lost, yes LOST, about 3500 guns...if you take other years into is much more - those are now in the hands of hardened criminals. I wouldn't dream of being without a least I have a fighting chance.
It seems counterintuitive that the people who say this most Iive in a country where almost everyone has access to a gun and also, coincidentally, has just about the highest gun death rate among all the "developed" nations of the world. If what you say is true, why aren't we as safe as places where there are fewer guns ?
@bijouxbroussard Clearly Americans are not as safe as those of us who live in countries with strict gun control laws. I live in the UK and, in my lifetime, there have been three incidents of mass shootings. In 2015 alone, you had 352 mass shooting incidents. That's almost one per day!
I know that I'm preaching to the choir here but maybe somebody who continuously bleats on about their "constitutional right to bear arms" will read this and think about it a little bit. One lives in hope lol.
The pro gun/anti gun debate has many valid points on both sides of the issue. But what you don't see is the outrage, upheaval, and absolute disgust at the carnage via guns that racks our major cities...politicians fear reprisal at the voting booth lest they're deemed "racist" as much gun violence in our cities tragically takes the lives of minorities, way outnumbering the lives of people who are not "of color", and IMO they've got a "hands-off" approach to that gun violence.
THe BadZ GUys ShOoTz The KidS wiTh theiR MommAS GuN So GiveZ THe KidZ GuNs PlUs IT Makea LOTz iF BusiNesS Gun ComPanys Police funEraL DiRecTors THe LisT Is EndLess