Poll - Total Votes: 18 See Poll Options
Poll - Total Votes: 18 See Poll Options
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Well if you can't believe the comrades over at The Guardian who can you believe right?
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JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@HobNoblin OK...You win! It's a hellova lot easier to let you have a win than to argue with a blindman calling the boundaries on a tennis match.
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
I believe it, because mg cousin’s Canadian wife (legal permanent resident) was detained for hours and questioned back in February after visiting her family in Canada. She’s been a legal permanent resident (married to my cousin) for 30 years and normally crossing back into the USA is a 5 minute process.
I’d say we are *barely* still in the realm of the “free” countries, but every defied court order pushes us closer to the “russia” category.
I’d say we are *barely* still in the realm of the “free” countries, but every defied court order pushes us closer to the “russia” category.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
So let me tell you about Canadian Justice. A fellow sitting in a coffee shop one day was approached by a friend and asked to give said friend a ride back to said friends farm. The fellow in the coffee shop smiled as he knew his friend was always up to something but giving a ride seemed pretty harmless. When they got close to the farm the friend asked to be let out before they actually got to the farm and that is what the driver did. The driver drove back to town and spent the rest of the day enjoying his life. He later found out that the guy he had given a ride to had shot and killed four cops as they searched the farm for illegal drugs and guns before he shot himself in the head and died. The coffee drinker's life was never the same. He was arrested and charged with helping kill cops and was sent to jail.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 Yes, I know the case and here's what you obviously missed:
Quote from online posting of my search criteria: "who took the shooter to Mayerthorpe"
Hennessey and his brother-in-law, Dennis Cheeseman, took the shooter, James Roszko, to Mayerthorpe in 2005. They pleaded guilty to manslaughter for giving Roszko a gun and a ride to his farm near Mayerthorpe.
Here's a bit more to clear your mind about Canadian injustice:
So: Did you do your homework or were you just Trolling??
Quote from online posting of my search criteria: "who took the shooter to Mayerthorpe"
Hennessey and his brother-in-law, Dennis Cheeseman, took the shooter, James Roszko, to Mayerthorpe in 2005. They pleaded guilty to manslaughter for giving Roszko a gun and a ride to his farm near Mayerthorpe.
Here's a bit more to clear your mind about Canadian injustice:
So: Did you do your homework or were you just Trolling??
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@JollyRoger You do your homework. Do you know how long and how hard the and how much coercion cops had to apply to get that conviction. Now look at what actually happened and why anyone would be charged with manslaughter when you had no idea the guy was going to shoot a cop? Try to use your head for more than an ear spacer for once in your life. Canada's justice system is utterly corrupt. Ever heard of Jodi Wilson Raybould? Ever wonder why she was fired? It wasn't because she made it illegal to have a drink in your own home if you had been driving in the last hour.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 Joe, Joe, Joe..... It says right there that the guy who iwas put in jail now repents! I suippose they coerced him into repenting too? You really are a 'hard-line' denier!
Yes, I've heard of JODI Wilson-Rayboldt... and contrary to your insistence about alcohol... She was the Attorney - General for Canada and she quit her position on principle.... NOW BE A GOOD BOY AND GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
Yes, I've heard of JODI Wilson-Rayboldt... and contrary to your insistence about alcohol... She was the Attorney - General for Canada and she quit her position on principle.... NOW BE A GOOD BOY AND GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
jehova · 31-35, M
Now that ive read the article. Yes human detentions of people just crossing the border has been monetized and turned into its own industry. For claims of illegal invaders as opposed to what is clearly law abiding travelers. It would save America so much cost to not do what its doing. Send her to canada or cloth feed and house her for that amount of time. Beaurocrats scream we are trying to be fair & save money, but really are only collecting a paycheck, getting bribed by special interests, and holding up due process.
Encourage boycott. No one visit America and everyone buy elsewhere.
Encourage boycott. No one visit America and everyone buy elsewhere.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
I know about her and it makes me extremely sad. We have been taken over by domestic terrorists here in the USA and I fear it will take our president and other cabinet members being charged with international war crimes and threat of military attack upon the USA if we don’t allow them to be extradited to face charges. That’s what it will take to get our Congress to act.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran Sorry.... I can't relate to MBS.... who is that? However there are many others as well who are terrorizing the world - we just have too much on our local plate to pay attention to what else is going on.
KunsanVeteran · M
@JollyRoger Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. He is thought to be complicit in September 11 and was the mastermind of the Khashoggi murder by chainsaw which occurred during tRUMP’s first misadministration who later bought out “protection” from global justice by giving Jared a $ 2 BILLION USD bribe. He has since sponsored many world class golfing tournaments at tRUMPs golf courses and hotel resorts around the globe.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@KunsanVeteran Wow! Good friend to have!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
If pushed into a corner over it, most Americans will admit their government is not democratic. They counter with the argument that it is in fact a Republic, or representative democracy. As if this excuses it. But the real issue is the distance between what the constitution and Bill of Rights say and the laws and how they are enforced.
When the problem was confined within America, this was "good enough". But Trump 2.0 has taken the problem global and now eight billion people can have a say and choose to take their ball and go home.. And enough will to break America, which cant support its own population with a 21st century lifestyle..😷
When the problem was confined within America, this was "good enough". But Trump 2.0 has taken the problem global and now eight billion people can have a say and choose to take their ball and go home.. And enough will to break America, which cant support its own population with a 21st century lifestyle..😷
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@whowasthatmaskedman I hesitate to give you a 'best reply' right now... but that's a damned good response!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@JollyRoger Your words are reward enough. Thank you. Its nice to be understood😷
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Our government is wack. Currently. If you are looking to reconstruct, I would pitch ideas for the 2029 campaigns.
If civil war breaks out you could hook some of us up with a 4 year Canadian visa to advocate on your behalf 😜🙃🙂
If civil war breaks out you could hook some of us up with a 4 year Canadian visa to advocate on your behalf 😜🙃🙂
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@JollyRoger the Republican Party refuses to accept our requests.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@JollyRoger we spoke loudly when we voted for OUR president!!
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
we spoke loudly when we voted for OUR president!!
Did you? What were you voting for? Did you really know or did you simply forget?
bookerdana · M
I hope the 🇨🇦 join the EU...there are talks on already....we are getting ready to ship American prisoners to El Salvador
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@bookerdana Personally I think America deserves the 'cold shoulder' that it is showing the rest of the world. I just want (REALLY WANT) the American people to look at what their government is allowing to happen. Sure... enforce your laws, but do it within the LAW.
bookerdana · M
@JollyRoger exactly but we,or the government no longer believe in the rule of law
YoungPoet345 · 26-30, F
Gulf of America is enough. Canada must remain Canadian or where will we flee to? 😆🙃🙂
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Elisbch · M
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@YoungPoet345 Yeah... I'd like to continue to think that only friendly Americans would come here, but invasion by infiltration is a threat under tRump's administration.
jehova · 31-35, M
America is hijacked by a criminal senile old man. Laws mean nothing to the convicted felon whom is currently president. The world should isolate America for the remainder of DJT. Only economic consequences will teach U.S. anything.
Furthermore how quickly ppl forget that covid happened during trump. Seriously his cuts to health and human services resulted in a global pandemic. I wonder if he actually won the election this time. The law says it was too close to call.
Finally it is not a democracy. Its a republic with alleged democratic elections. Based on the money it takes to campaign. It is an oliharchy. With sham elections and outdated means to "safeguard" the wealthy\privledged
Furthermore how quickly ppl forget that covid happened during trump. Seriously his cuts to health and human services resulted in a global pandemic. I wonder if he actually won the election this time. The law says it was too close to call.
Finally it is not a democracy. Its a republic with alleged democratic elections. Based on the money it takes to campaign. It is an oliharchy. With sham elections and outdated means to "safeguard" the wealthy\privledged
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
What were the circumstances?
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@fanuc2013 It's all there.... nice and neat. All it requried was for ICE to kick her out.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@JollyRoger you are asking a MAGA to read???
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NoGamesTolerated · F
We Americans actually don’t care what foreigners think about our country’s business. JS
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@NoGamesTolerated I pity you for paying your taxes!
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
You folks vote only for the two parties that keep getting worse. You don't want change. You just whine.
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KunsanVeteran · M
Ah, but tRUMP and his misadministration sure were quick to import the two Tate brother rapists, weren’t they?
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RedBaron · M
@JollyRoger “You American people?”
You think all 323 million of us are alike? That’s quite the bigoted sweeping generalization.
A bigot like you has no business criticizing anyone, American or otherwise.
You think all 323 million of us are alike? That’s quite the bigoted sweeping generalization.
A bigot like you has no business criticizing anyone, American or otherwise.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@RedBaron OK... prove me wrong.... IF an injustice has been committed (case in point), then stand up and do something about it! Isn't your country the "Land of the Free"? Isn't it based on "Equality and Justice for all before the law"? - Go and think on those two phrases that you folks used to worship! Another phrase that applies is "You're judged by the company you keep" - SO I JUDGE YOU on that basis!
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