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That Midnight Hour

There is a foreboding sense that the world is fast approaching that midnight hour. The wrecking ball of the Trump Administration has put the United States on a direct path toward oblivion. With a slew of executive orders many of which ignore the rule of law have now ignited an organized effort to pursue impeachment proceeding unprecedented for a newly sworn in President.

The audacity of Trump's regime has profoundly adversely affected not only millions of Americans but our closet neighbors and pretty much the rest of the world. Yet there remains very little effort made by many elected officials in mounting a serious assault in challenging Trump's actions. We as a nation have forgotten what Thomas Jefferson warned us about in The Declaration of Independence.

There is a clear and present danger afoot in America today. The US and the world have not seen such unmasked demagoguery since Adloff Hitler by the actions and rhetoric spewing from the Trump White House. Make no mistake if left unchecked the Trump regime will enact such collateral damage on this nation not seen since the Holocaust during World War II.

We have to remind ourselves there was an overlooked sign of things to come on day one when he was sworn in. When Trump failed to put his hand on the Bible was an acute sign of disasters forthcoming. Where was Justice Roberts who like in the movie, El Cid forced the hand of the King of Spain on the Bible to swear that he had nothing to do with the murder of his brother shows a lack of fortitude by Chief Justice Roberts. That simple gesture by placing your hand on a Bible has been done for hundreds of years. And in Trumps refusal to do shows his contempt for the rule of law and our Constitution.

It is time to act before this regime goes too far. The public and members of Congress have to unite for the preservation of our nation and our inherent rights that are engraved in the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Remember it is we the publics fundamental right noted in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence to remove such governance as we are incurring today.

Thomas Jefferson knew of what the rise of someone like Trump will try to do to our democratic republic. And now that midnight hour will soon be upon the United States if we fail to heed the warnings that Thomas Jefferson put forth when he wrote that most sacred document The Declaration of Independence. There is still time to stop this impending doom for our democratic republic. But we have to act with unity of purpose.
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it is 1936. and we are all in peril

it IS the midnight hour, I regret I have few tools, to fight.
what can we do? I have started with contact, to my elected officials.

what comes next
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
And those 161 eo's signed by kindly old dictator biden were so helpful, right?
Reason10 · 70-79, M

The Trump LANDSLIDE victory against the Nazis has STOPPED the wrecking ball from destroying this country.
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
@Reason10 Trump got 49.9% of the popular vote. Not exactly a landslide. He is the President, but even a turnip would know that it is bad policy to start a trade war with your two largest (and peaceful) trading partners.
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@Reason10 trump IS the wrecking ball
and is allowing the Musk to loot at will
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Nimrod 👎
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@SatyrService No. As in tool.
@Gibbon soo you don't even know the wod you are using?
a Gibbon indeed
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@SatyrService I do. Obviously you don't. If we are going to have a tussle I'm not in the mood.
Doomsday Clock @89 seconds to Midnight since tRUMP inauguration.

After today, look for another adjustment very soon.

We are climbing into the DANGER ZONE!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Lots of people think that’s what was avoided by electing Orange .
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Audacity is a word associated with BarryO, not Orange. .
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Ah, invoking Hitler.
Try studying history instead of watching cnn and the view
kodiac · 22-25, M
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