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Let the Real games begin

I think its a clue to how obvious something is for trump to actually notice it. If its shiny, has primary colours and makes noise. he sees it quite quickly and screams "Tariff"..
Like China, (10%). Canada and Mexico (25%) Because they are closer and he can smell them if thr wind is right.. But someone woke him from his nap and used their words to explain to him what I have been saying for years. The BRICS nations smell blood in the water and are making their move. The first move came when China, Japan and others started selling off their positions in $US a few weeks ago, reducing their vulnerability on the downside. But never fear. trump has his brilliant economic response ready. Impose Tariffs at !00%. Yep.. Someone really thought this through.. Its probably a bit much to say the $US will go the way of the Rouble. After Americ hasnt invaded one of its neighbours....yet..😷
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Aysel · F
Trump is phenomenal; he is the ideal of what all young men should aspire to be like. 🥴
Aysel · F
@DogMan I dream of the day we have someone like Trump in England; unfortunately, I will have to keep dreaming.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Aysel You hate England that much???😷
Aysel · F
@whowasthatmaskedman ANGRY FACE!
Northwest · M
Not sure why Trump thinks that imposing a 100% tariff will force countries from to reconsider, or abandon, CIPS.

With the exception of selected Silicon Valley technologies, China, Russia and Europe, offer alternatives to US supplied products/services/technology that these countries can't do without (cars, planes, military, etc).
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Northwest Small point of order. Being socially awkward doesnt make you wrong. In fact, is can allow you to see from outside the cloud of "groupthink". Listen to the different voice. It may be something no one else has thought of..😷
Northwest · M
Small point of order. Being socially awkward doesnt make you wrong. In fact, is can allow you to see from outside the cloud of "groupthink". Listen to the different voice. It may be something no one else has thought of..😷

There was no right/wrong in this discussion, and two things can be right at the same time, or wrong as the case may be.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
@Northwest Absolute twaddle.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Dino11 Mama wants you to go to the cess pit for another bucket of facts..😷
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@jehova a loss is a loss, if by 1 point or a hundred! The majority spoke!
jehova · 31-35, M
@fanuc2013 recount.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Did you believe JoeB when he repeatedly said he wouldn’t pardon his son ?
How did that turn out ?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@AthrillatheHunt I never believe any politician about anything.. Politicians are one down from Used car salemand and one up from church leaders on my trust list. Thats why I like economics. It can be trusted (until politicians get theiir hands on it.)😷
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@whowasthatmaskedman so you don’t believe Orange and the tariff talk ? Neither do I . ( but I’ve been wrong before ).
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@AthrillatheHunt If he is crazy he might still do it. But it wont work and will harm America more than anyone..😷
So what has Canada done?
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@VeronicaJane They were a bit wimpy so far. But Trump has already backed down after someone showed him the Billions in revenue and the millions of jobs lost.. This new deal is a hollow threat. He has no leverage left to hold back the tide on a shift in reserve currency and America has been skimming off the top for years on this..😷
swirlie · F
With me being not far from where Prime Minister Trudeau does business here in Canada as I report this to you, the position that Canada has always maintained when it comes to rebuttals, is to say absolutely nothing. The purpose of this strategy is to reveal to all concerned where the true fear lies, which always lies with the one who attacks, not with the one being attacked.

Attack is always spawned by either fear or guilt which then makes one wonder why Trump feels fearful ..and why Trump feels intense guilt? What's Trump fearful of and what's Trump feeling guilty about when he attacked Trudeau at an American Thanksgiving celebration in Mara Largo, I wonder?

What I can tell you for sure that has been public knowledge in Canada since prior to the pandemic and during Trump's first term as POTUS, is that Canada hosted a special conference where the concept of BRICS was first unveiled to an informal panel of invited guests. Those guest were from Japan, China, UAE, Germany, but not the USA though Barack Obama attended as a personal friend of Trudeau's while providing unofficial representation of the USA in providing his input from a third party American perspective.

Though Canada is not on the public list of BRICS applicants so far, the idea was brought to the table by Canada in the first place because Canada is America's #1 trading partner, or maybe a close second to that of China. The point is, nobody knows how close to falling into Receivership the USA is right now than Canada. Not even the USA knows how close they are to falling as a Nation, which as everyone knows who is not an American, will implode from fiscal mismanagement, not from losing yet another war the US starts.

Canada with Mexico only yesterday brought forth the notion that if the USA applies ANY tariffs on Canada or Mexico at all when Trump takes over, Canada is out of any trade relationship with the USA and Canada wants Mexico to follow suit, thereby forming a bi-lateral trade agreement between Canada and Mexico while totally excluding the USA from the equation.

The USA can put tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods if it wants to, however the bottom line will be that neither Canada nor Mexico will send anything over the US border, nor will they receive anything from the USA. American tariffs then become a moot point if no trade is actually happening.

The thing is, Canada has been in trade talks with Asia Pacific nations as well as the EU, for them to pick up the slack that has been anticipated and will occur if and when the US decides to put tariffs into place. This is not new. Canada has been anticipating this crap from the USA for 8 years now and they're ready for a new set of trading partners as we speak.

Mexico will follow Canada's lead in this venture because Mexico has really no other choice in the matter, which means Mexico will basically piggyback on Canada's inroads to trading with other world nations, exclusive of the USA and their tariff mentality.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@DogMan Personally I realise that left and right are meaningless terms, because they are realitive. In my country I an considered moderately "right', with all the trappings. But in America I am hard left, because I believe in education and health care for all and a single Justice system. The truth is I am apolitical. But I am economically rational. (For the americans among you, that means I live within my means and not on credit and dont believe in printing money to get by..) And thats something neither side of US politics gets..😷
DogMan · 61-69, M
@whowasthatmaskedman you sound conservative like myself. I also do not use credit.

I use credit cards, but they are paid of by the end of the month. I am fortunate to have made
enough money throughout my life where I can buy new cars with cash, and we paid cash
for my father in laws house, which we consider an investment. I think everyone should
read Dave Ramsey's book. Buying things on credit, and making minimum payments,
is a losers game. People do it to LOOK like they have money, but really all they have is

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