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The Perils of 2025 and Beyond

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens reminds many of the striking resemblance between the greed of one man and his transformation toward benevolence. A fitting tale to the times of today specifically in light of this past Presidential election. One would doubt that Trump would be visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley and undergo an epiphany. on Christmas. It can be sadly said that too many of the voting public were beguiled by the illusion that Trump knows best. A far cry from that timeless TV classic "Father Knows Best" from the late 1950's.

The symbolism of Trump's allure had on the voting public and Ebenezer Scrooge is the sharp contrast between greed and benevolence. When Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol it was during a time much similar to the times millions of Americans are facing today. But unlike Trump Scrooge changed his ways when he was visited by those three spirits in realizing the mistakes of his past and the consequences of his actions. Trump on the other hand has a history of false pretenses that has only established his ego thinking he knows best.

Comparing Trump to Scrooge doesn't come close. We have to go back to the 1930's where another would be dictator was elected by the common people of Germany. Little did the citizens of Germany realize the true scope of his reign of terror would have on the rest of the world. And yet the warning signs about a clear and present danger eluded the public in 1930's Germany and today. Trump poses an almost an uncanny similarity not only for the US but for the rest of the world. The danger signs.are in plain sight every time he opens his mouth.

Like the Gestapo under Hittler the deportation of immigrants proposed by Trump is in itself an eerie reminder that we still haven't learned from history. Trump with his henchmen cabinet are flaunting the rule of law and our Constitution. And in this way achieve diabolical ends under their false guise of their infamous slogan MAGA.

The rise of Trump has been years in the making. We can arguably state that the decline in Education from the past 50 years, that generational erosion of academic excellence has profoundly steered America away from the democratic republic of our founding to more of an authoritarian governance. Make no mistake Trump has set himself above the law. Has surrounded himself with crony subordinates that appease his own ego and others who ride on his coat tails seeking their own personal gain.

It truly is a very sad commentary that the US has become not a nation if moral virtue, that shinning beacon of hope for all, but an introverted self-absorbed individualistic opportunists that Trump and company embrace. The perils of 2025 that Trump imposes are a stark reminder how far our nation has fallen into the traps set by those unscrupulous individuals seeking power, control and wealth.
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ron122 · 41-45, M
The last 4 years with democrats in charge have been a complete disaster. Wake up man.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
OMG The past 4 years have been a disaster for the country. Keep believing your BS. This election wasn't about a Trump following. It was about the insanity the Dems brought upon us.
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HobNoblin · 36-40, M
I signed up for the MAGA extermination corps. Just got my arm band.

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