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Do you think Republicans are better at saving Democracy than the democrats?

I think so.
SDavis · 56-60, F
The Republican leader fashioned a insurrection.

The Republican leader spoke of getting rid of the Constitution

The Republican leader said on several occasions term limits for him should be more years than one comment 15 to 20 years.

The Republican leader wants to silence anyone that says anything against him.

The Republican leaders do not want to have anything to do with allies that don't support his way

The Republican leader wants retribution against the press

And those that follow him support whatever he does, if you support it, then you are for it and you like it.

One sure way to end democracy
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SDavis · 56-60, F
@MasterLee so much like Trump - exactly what he would say
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SDavis yeah right
WalksWith · 56-60, F
You should really think for yourself instead of saying what others are telling you to say. read, learn, explore, be curious, be adventurous!

Get out of the fish bowl you're in.

We (Democrats) are getting ready to nominate a woman who was/is VP, Senator, DA, and Prosecutor. who will be going up against a 'man' (I use the term lightly) who is at the very least, because I don't feel like listing everything, he has done, has 34 felonies, that he was found guilty of. He is a convicted felon, think about it. He's scared and that is rubbing off him and onto you.? You think the republicons, out there calling a VP names about her looks, laughter, saying that she shouldn't be a President if she has no kids? What kind of shit is that? And they call her names because they cannot go after her character, or her platform, because, except for Project 2025, your republicons, have no no character or platform.
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@WalksWith Your word salad says everything EXCEPT that I am incorrect in the campaign finance law.
One does not have to be a conservative or a Trumpster to see the treachery, deceitfulness, hatred, and hypocrisy of the left. All anyone needs is common sense and a shred of decency.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
The DemoNAZIS do not believe in Democracy. They believe in totalitarianism.

Roe v. Wade (which was BAD LAW) was overturned and the decision was sent to the states so they could vote
DEMOCRATICALLY on the issue.

EVERY goose stepping concentration camp loving DemoNAZI howled at this development. How DARE the people get to vote on abortion.

Seig heil.
MethDozer · M
@Reason10 says the party that depends on the undemocratic Electoral College

Also neither the Nazis nor the Democrats are socialists
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
The Republicans are better at doing pretty much anything than the democrats. I mean look at the people who support each party. Republican supporters are your hard working middle class, even lower middle class. The men dress like men and drive trucks. The women go fishing in a bikini. Republicans like to BBQ and celebrate 4th of July by blowing stuff up and drinking beer. We like guns and celebrating the men and women who used them to defend our country. We enjoy a small government that leaves us alone. Then you have the democrats. The men are a bunch of pussies who wear skinny jeans and glasses even if they don't need them just to look pretentious. Some of the men even pretend to be women and expect us to play along. The women also look like men and usually have weird hair colors and piercings all over their face. A lot of democrats don't even drive because they are on welfare and don't have a job. Those who do either brag about how they are saving the environment with their hybrid or they have to plug their car in at night. Many democrats don't eat meat because they are a bunch of pussies then they have the nerve to tell you that you "haven't evolved". The democrats suck the fun out of everything by being offended for other people. They protest American tradition and holidays. Most of them are afraid of things that go boom, except for when it's in the middle of the street during a riot. While republicans are partying, democrats are protesting. Democrats love their big daddy government, because they can't function without someone telling them what to do.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
@MrSmooTh damn 💯
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@MrSmooTh boom! you nailed it.
accidentprone · 26-30, M
We are not a Democracy, We are a Republic. If all those that had money could take us over, they would. They would love to stay rich while we remain poor.

Trump is a rich man that has given up his riches to serve the people. The Democrats have always reaped riches by not serving the people of the USA, and serving instead the governments of other countries, involving Russia and China.
accidentprone · 26-30, M
@WalksWith Take cocaine as they have. Continue to deny truth by taking your mind into a false fantasy.
has given up his riches to serve the people.

We are not a Democracy, We are a Republic.

jefferson · M
its funny only yanks, care about democrat/republican, the rest of the orld votes and keep quiet
WalksWith · 56-60, F
@SDavis I shouldn't have been so lazy..I had this one saved and thought that person could understand it. I'm not sure if they read, or I would have posted the PDF. Thank you for the link.
SDavis · 56-60, F
@WalksWith you're welcome - the sad thing is unless it's YouTube any links I tried to post will not come up. You save a darn GOOD ONE. I'm old school, I like to read most people like YouTube.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
@SDavis [media=https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/project-2025-conservative-presidential-list/story?id=111952315]

seeing if this will work..nope...I'm so bad at computers! lol!!
calicuz · 56-60, M
Not at this stage, and not with the Extremists on the Right that dominate the air waves.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
You have been gaslit.
carpediem · 61-69, M
I think you’ll notice the exact same rhetoric coming from every Republican detractor. No actual thinking. Just the same talking points parroted over and over. You have to admit, the democrats are good getting their message out to the party faithful.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@SW-User so I suppose he has an inside track into the cheating in the 2020 elections
@Prison1203 Well no. It is telling, though, that the only time he was wrong was when the SCOTUS stepped in and prevented all the votes being counted in Dade County so that Bush would win.

There was no cheating in 2020, so of course he was right.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@SW-User then explain to me why they put all the republican counters out of Fulton county Georgia and brought in boxes and boxes of votes that all went to Biden when Trump was in the lead , and they happened in many states. You don’t go from behind and then all the sudden remove all republican counters and end up with more Biden votes all the sudden pushing him to the lead when the republicans were pushed out, if that’s not fishy to you and the democrats, it just shows that you are complicit with cheating, if you want a fair election, then drop the machines, go to paper ballots and make voter ID mandatory
The republican Project 2025 is a blueprint for ENDING democracy.

Ergo democrats are better at saving democracy.
accidentprone · 26-30, M
What makes that better?
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Demorats are trying to destroy our republic
@Patriot96 And yet, only the RepubliKKKans fomented a violent insurrection designed to subvert the democratic process by kidnapping and assassinating lawmakers to prevent them from certifying the electoral victory of the winning candidate in the 2020 presidential election, just because he wasn’t the one they voted for.

Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@SW-User Herr Goebbles would be proud of you
@Patriot96 Speaking of Here Goebbels:

butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
The Repub's are communist, socialist, marxist, czarist all at the same time
Not if they attack the capitol and hope to dismantle the constitution.
boudinMan · 61-69, M
no question about it.
MethDozer · M
Im 44 years old and only one party has eliminated a person's right.
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DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@Jimbo1 Your opinion matters. Thanks for the comment.
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DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@MethDozer You friend of Hunter?
MethDozer · M
@DanielsASJ yes of course. We golf together every weekend.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@MethDozer The golf ball has meth

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