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America's Real Crash and Bankruptcy

US Hegemony is done with...

The World Community can no longer be bullied or controlled by the Corporate and Donor Occupied Territory aka Washington, DC anymore. The US Government is Financially, Economically, Militarily, and Morally Bankrupt. The US Government lives entirely on printed Phony Monopoly Money from the Federal Reserve.

The US Military is unsustainable, unaffordable, and unable to recruit new Soldiers, Sailors Airmen and Marines. Boneheaded Wars for Oil, Wars of Aggression, Wars of Attrition and Wars of Subsidization fomented for Corporate Interests has hallowed it out. Those who joined the Military are disgusted by the Woke Memes and the US Government who promoted havoc and chaos with 800+ Military Bases as provocations and tripwires. Military Spending is Corporate Welfare for the “Defense” Corporations, building Weapons suited for the Wars of the dustbins of History.

I expect 2025 to be a profound "Come to Jesus" moment for the American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers who couldn't be bothered to educate themselves on Economics, Math, and US History. While nothing is certain, new paradigms in Finance, Geopolitics, and Energy will be crucial for Investors.

Of particular importance is the US Government's Economic and Financial precarity, which is rapidly deteriorating. American Taxpayers and Consumers are complacent, yet they know about the ticking Time Bomb of Debt. Nothing has happened YET, however, the paradigm shift will be very rapid, shattering Conventional, Mental, and Financial models for the Debt Bomb💣.

In 2024, A crucial tipping point was when the Interest expense on the Debt exceeded the Military Budget. It's exceeding Entitlements becoming the BIGGEST Line Item in History.

Historian Niall Ferguson:
“Any great Power that spends more on Debt Service (Interest payments on the National Debt) than on Defense will not stay great for very long". The US Government will be forced to:

• Cut Military Spending amid the most chaotic Geopolitical period since WW2.

• Default on promises of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans’ Benefits, Government Pensions, and Welfare generally.

The United States Government can't afford Entitlement and Military Spending since both are growing exponentially, I've seen the numbers.

Baby Boomers—22% of the Population—have Retired. Telling them the truth about the Entitlement Pyramid Scheme are met with misdirected Hostility and indignation.

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently told us: “Barely staying even with Inflation or worse is wholly inadequate. Significant additional resources for Defense are necessary and urgent.” That statement by itself says it all.

In short, efforts to cut US Expenditures are meaningless unless the US Government takes the chainsaw to Entitlements, Military, and Welfare Spending while cutting away at the Interest on the National Debt. The US will be forced—at a Minimum— to kill the Welfare/Warfare State and liquidate the National Debt.

It'll be an inevitable shock of the rejection of the Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency, an Economic Collapse and Financial Crash for the inept American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers to kick the obsessive addiction to the Welfare/Warfare State.

The facts speak for themselves;
Elon Musk and DOGE are set up for failure. US Expenditures have nowhere to go but way up.

I'm overly confident that the US Government will try to have its cake and eat it too by Spending for Military and Domestic Obligations via Currency Debasement (Printing Phony Monopoly Money).

It’s a self-perpetuating Stupidity Squared they can't escape. It’s a runaway Train with no brakes.

“We owe it to ourselves.”
“Deficits don’t matter.”
“Treasuries are Risk-Free return.”
“The National Debt is sustainable as long as we can print money.”
“The US will never Default.”
"You're Heartless!"
These delusions that Investors believed have long since come to an end.

I can hardly wait for the very harsh Reality Check the American Public and Taxpayers who believe this nonsense will get. I myself expect the rate of Currency Debasement will far exceed the nominal yield that US Treasuries and Bonds will offer.

Taxpayers will rightly look for alternatives for their Savings to preserve purchasing power. Taxpayers, Companies, and Sovereign Countries are parking their Savings in Commodities. The significant gains are precious metals. Those not prepared for the bottom dropping out for the World's Reserve Currency Status of the US Dollar, will find the Piper at their Doors demanding to be paid!
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Broache73 · 51-55, F
The US Bubble Economy continues to hide behind surging Debt and Government Spending.

The increase in Gross Domestic Product between the third quarter of 2022 and the same period of 2023 was a mere $414.3 Billion, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, while the increase in Public Debt was $1.3 Trillion ($32.3 to $33.6 Trillion, according to the Treasury). Do The Math...

According to the latest monthly statement from the Treasury Department, the total Budget Deficit for the 2024 Fiscal year (which began October 1) has already risen above $380 Billion. The new total, which includes the months of October and November puts the US on track for a total Annual Deficit of $2 Trillion by the end of the Fiscal year. That'd be an increase of 25% over 2023 Fiscal year, itself a 23 percent increase over 2022.

A 2024 Annual Deficit of $2 Trillion would make 2024's Deficit the third-largest Deficit behind only 2020 and 2021 during which Spending in Covid-related Social Benefits were seemingly unlimited. Comparing the same two-month period over the previous decade, the totals also suggest Deficit Spending in 2024 will lag only the Covid-19 years of 2020 and 2021. During the first 2 months of Fiscal year 2021, the Deficit came in at more than $429 Billion.

The American Debt Train Wreck will soon crash. After reaching $33.1 Trillion at the end of the third quarter, the total Debt reached $34 Trillion. The US adds more than $7 Trillion of Debt since 2020. It's noted total Revenue for the US the 2023 Fiscal year was $4.4 Trillion. (Total Debt in FY 2023 topped 38 percent of all federal receipts.)

The American Public, Taxpayers and Consumers are numb to Debt numbers since it has long felt like "Free" Money. From the 2000's to 2022, real Interest Rates were 0% which means the US Government borrows money at rock-bottom Rates.That ended in 2022.

The interest paid on new Debt accelerated, the total amount of interest paidon the Debt each year will double from 2019 to 2024. For example,the yields on 10-year Treasurys surged throughout 2022 and most of 2023, nearly reaching 5% in October 2023. On the other hand, from 2012 to 2022, the yield on the 10-year was between 2% and 3% percent. The 10-year yield has fallen since October, dropping below 4 percent. That’s still more than double of what has come to be regarded as "normal" amplifying the true cost of the National Debt. The total National Debt has increased by 25 percent. Interest paid on the Debt has increased by 75 percent, nearly $573 Billion in 2019, it'll top $1 Trillion in 2024.

This rate of increase surpassed every category including the Covid-related panic Spending. Social Security increased 40 percent, and Medicare increased 30%.

Congress will be forced to make very unpopular Spending decisions on the Military and Entitlements. Debt service will swamp the Budget requiring cuts to ensure Bondholders get paid.

It's easy to imagine a full one-fifth of the Budget going to paying for Bonds in the future. For every 100 Dollars in Taxes the US Government steals from the Taxpayer— via Income and Payroll Taxes—20% of it goes to Interest payments, payments on old Debts, lost Warfare, failed Schools, retired Government Employees, and countless Allen Stanford style Pyramid Schemes.

We're already in a Debt spiral as the Central Bank prints Dollars attempting to pay Debts avoiding the Fiscal Austerity disaster.

The Silver lining is it becomes obvious that interest payments are fleecing today's Wage Earners, it'll make sense to repudiate the Debt. The idea that the Government has some sort of moral obligation to pay its Debts has always been nonsense. Interest payments paid by Tax Dollars are nothing more than a forced Wealth transfer from Taxpayers to Bondholders. Bondholders voluntarily took the risk of US Debt. If the US defaults, well that's tough luck and a risk Investors adopted willingly. Taxpayers, are an INVOLUNTARY PARTY to the Agreement. Freeing US Taxpayers from these obligations to begin with is Moral.

Its rightly been said, It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they got played for a Fool, after all, the US Government made them these Promises they never could deliver in the first place. At some point, You cannot rob Peter to pay Paul, you cannot rob Tom to pay Peter and Paul, and you cannot ask Jane to subsidize all this either. If you make a deal with the Devil, he's eventually coming to collect his due one way or another.
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Broache73 · 51-55, F
United States Government’s Debt Disaster of $35+ Trillion of Colossal Debt. Skyrocketing Government Spending, insufficient Tax Revenues, and deepening Deficits. The US Treasury has run out of other People's Money to borrow and steal.

Interest payments doubled since 2020, and pushed the Government off the Fiscal Cliff like Wile E. Coyote. The Federal Reserve’s 2023 Rate hikes and recent US Treasury Auction turned Horrific and CHAOTIC. No one wants our Phony Monopoly Money nor our Worthless Treasuries...

The chickens already came home to roost. Tax Revenues aren't keeping up. Government expenditures spiked during the 2020 Crisis, while Tax receipts increased by about $600 Billion. Do The Math!

The Government is forced to borrow to make up the difference, What do we call this, Ladies and Gentlemen?! Survey Says! YES, WE CALL IT, DEBT! Total Public Debt over $32 Trillion, over 180% percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), excluding Government Spending and Transfer Payments.

Due to the unpopularity of Stratopheric Prices and the inexorable tendency for the Market to reestablish Interest Rates that accord with people’s real time preferences, the Fed allowed Interest Rates to rise, combined with Government's skyrocketing interest payments which were over $500 Billion in 2020, now they've doubled.

Congressional Budget Office projections show Interest payments will swallow the Budget. The Government will be forced to use More Debt to pay off Past Debts.

Source:The 2023 Long-Term Budget Outlook (Congressional Budget Office, June 2023)

The US Treasury is running out of Creditors and Buyers for its Debt. The Fed, which has always been a ready buyer of Government Debt with newly created money, is allowing its holdings of US Treasury Securities to roll off its balance sheet. It cannot resume Monetizing the Debt without exacerbating Inflation which exaserbates Higher Prices, which is still above its stated target of 2% percent.

Source: “Assets: Securities Held Outright: U.S. Treasury Securities: All: Wednesday Level,” FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, last updated November 22, 2023. Data from Factors Affecting Reserve Balances, Federal Reserve Statistical Release H.4.1 (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve).

Foreign Governments (China and Japan) reduced their purchases of Treasurys, leaving the US with a smaller Customer Base for its Debt.

Source: “Federal Debt Held by Foreign and International Investors (FDHBFIN)”and “Federal Debt Held by the Public (FYGFDPUN),” FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, last updated September 1, 2023. Data from the U.S. Department of the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal ServiceTreasury Bulletin.

Everybody’s appetite for US Government Debt is done with including Foreigners, the Government's own money printer and favored Financial Institutions.

What does this mean for next year, when $7.6 Trillions in Government Debt will mature? This is a 3rd of of the US’s outstanding Debt, which means a ton of supply is hitting this market with already declining demand forcing the Government to tighten its belt (Flying Pigs are more likely), it'll have to replace maturing Debt with more new Debt.

Here are some possible and likely scenarios:

A Financial crisis and official Recession occur, giving the Federal Reserve “permission” to flood the Bubble Economy with new money, lower Interest Rates, and make another massive purchase of Government Debt. We'll have 1970s-style Stagflation, the Federal Reserve will be forced to choose between dealing with unpopular Inflation and unpopular Unemployment. Treasury auctions floundering, resulting in a Debt Crisis.

Treasury yields skyrocket as the whole world loses confidence in the US Government’s ability to repay its Debts. It’s difficult to imagine such a globally catastrophic scenario, especially since the US has its own money printer.

In the 1930s, the Government devalued the Dollar by changing its Gold redemption ratio from $20.67 to $35.00 per ounce, as well as limiting and prohibiting Gold ownership for US Citizenry. In 1971, Nixon “temporarily” (read: permanently) reneged on the US’s promise to redeem Foreign Government's Dollars for Gold. The US will implement aCentral Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A CBDC could be programmed to have negative interest rates and other incentives that would push CBDC holders to buy Government Debt, this Tyrannical move would be disastrous, but the ability to control Interest Rates, increase Tax Revenues, and direct and stimulate Spending makes this option very attractive to a Debt and Crime-Riddled Government.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Broache73 Let me start by saying I accept your general premise of the fall of the $US. However I think you slightl overplayed one thing. The massive inflation of a devalued currency will apply only to imported goods and serices. It is possible to continue providing local produce (with no imported content) at reasonable prices. Unless of course manufacturers try to profit from the situation as they have in the past. This would mean much stronger price regulation from the government of course..😷
jehova · 31-35, M
@Diotrephes 1. Legalize hemp as a means to produce hemp gasoline. Thc is a hydrocarbon and was used to produce 300 barrells an acre until it became prohibitted in 1937 (the Marihuana Tax Act of 1938).
2. Encourage domestic investment. Prioritize domestic construction agriculture industry etc.
3. Incentivize citizens to patronize famers markets.
4. Lower the drinking age to 18 or 19 (we need the tax revenue.) While encouraging public transit (to reduce drinking and driving)
5. Eliminate\drastically reduce corporate tax loopholes. Establish a "flat tax on incone over a certain threshold.
6. Set a maximum term limit for congress, (i prefer age limit, but thats unrealistic; as of now).
7. Legalize all substances (we need the tax revenue) also it would reduce overdose deaths and stigmatization).
8. Pull our military out of foreign conflicts (pissing the world off while spending money hasnt and isnt working) support the troops bring them home!
9. Invest in domestic programs instead of only the military. Better education will improve everything else (innovation efficiency technology will improve).
10 . Legalize prostitution (we need the revenue) it will reduce scammin online. Nearly eliminate std transmission and sexual violence. Reduce overpopulation. Eliminate lonliness and depression. (Increase satisfaction with life, while drastically reducing suicide and online scamming.
America needs to grow up!
11. Desalinate the ocean en masse to replenish the aquifers.
12. Decrease our reliance on corn (especially corn syrup). It is literally toxic and very water intensive.
exchrist · 31-35
@jehova jehova for president.
Broache73 · 51-55, F
Significant Financial, Economic, Political, Cultural, and Geopolitical developments preceding 2001 and now into the Present...

On the Cultural front, the tide shifted. BlackRock’s Fink dropped ESG. Woke movies continue to bomb at Theaters. Bud Light, Target, and Disney continue feeling the pain of deliberately alienating their Customer Base.

It's evident to the Corporate Media the utter debacle in Ukraine was an unmistakable disaster for NATO. The Hamas Attack and the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Azerbaijan defeated Armenia to reclaim a long-disputed Territory.

Saudi Arabia welcomed Syria back into the Arab League, ended the Warfare in Yemen, restored Diplomatic Relations with Iran, joined the BRICS Countries, and expanded its Economic ties with China.

The Reprobates who control the United States, are incapable of reforming and they’ll desperately do absolutely anything to retain power.

Meanwhile, American Taxpayers and Consumers in Red states see Candidates are railroaded with Lawfare to derail their Campaigns. They’re angrier than ever, justifiably. The Red and Blue people hate—and can’t talk to each other. The US is completely demoralized as Traditional Values are washed away.
Culture Wars are especially dangerous in a Financial Crash and Economic Collapse.

The American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers are paying for the rampant Currency debasement during the manufactured Covid Hysteria as the Price of Groceries, Insurance, Rent, etc. skyrocket.

The gap between the Haves who live in Multimillion Dollar houses and the Have-Nots who live in Tents isn’t new. After all, Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.” The Middle Class is impoverished, swimming in Debt—Student Debt, Credit Card Debt, Car Loan Debt, Mortgage Debt. Rents have risen exponentially, if the average Person has an unforeseen $500 Emergency or other Expense, HE CAN'T PAY IT.

It’s said, that the American Bubble Economy rests on Consumption. The US doesn't produce much of anything anymore except Weapons and Government Debt. Most of the Public who “work” basically sit at desks and shuffle paper, they don't actively create Real Wealth.

The United States is over-financialized. The Bond Market has already collapsed, as Interest Rates will head up where they were in the early 1980s. Stock Prices crashing is inevitable because of high Interest Rates.

The Real Estate Market rests on Debt and will crash as Interest Rates go up especially Commercial Real Estate. Office buildings financed by Banks are seeing massive defaults on Loans they made. Bank Capital invested in Bonds, that's eroded because Bond prices fall in proportion to the degree rise in Interest Rates, which have gone from close to zero to 5% or 6%. If Banks had to mark their Loans and Capital investments to the Market, they'd already be bankrupt.

The US Government is the best Government Money can buy!
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@Broache73 At some point there'll be a margin call and people are going to start losing their homes as banks try and recoup anything to repay debts incurred by them and other institutions to try and restore any kind of fiscal credibility worldwide with the Dollar.
I can't see a way through that.
Unless the intention is to sell the U.S to Microsoft etc.
markinkansas · 61-69, M
trump is the best at bankruptcy he will save our country
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
We are moving to a multi-polar world as the US most is in relative decline. It is still the most powerful country in the world and if (when) China overtakes it, it will remain a major power.

I'm a critic of US foreign policy and it's impacts However, they are not the majority reason why the US has declined. It's about demographics and technology. China has about four times America's population and the technological gap between the first and third world has declined massively so population advantage counts for more than it did. Most of the world's population is in Asia and what we call the west punched above it's weight for too long.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Northwest I didn't know about the brain drain. However, they have a lot of people and a lot of them also get educated in the west before they go back.

On us foreign policy: There have been many wars over the years and many more governments overthrown.

You were correct to bring up British and french imperialism and that was not any better.
Northwest · M

There have been many wars over the years and many more governments overthrown.

That's what I meant by what I said here:

with some notable exceptions

We went overboard in the 1960s and 1970s. A wiseman man once said, that if your country does not have a communist party, make one up, and money from the US will start flowing.

This is the cold war insanity. I hope we outgrew it.

The Chinese brain drain is massive. I realize they're minting more engineers, but we're hiring them as fast as they can make them. China is also now suffering from a population decline.

My point was that Xi's policies, reversed the progress. 20 years ago, I was spending more time on our China's labs work, now it's not worth my time. If you go into the BC area in Canada as well.

Like I said, a few years ago, I would have guessed that by now China would have overtaken us. The Russian brain drain is also massive.

There may be a happy medium between the US system of extravagance, and the China/Russia self-destruction (more Russia than China), but we're not there yet. I just hope the fuck Trump is not elected.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
We are moving to a multi-polar world as the US most is in relative decline. It is still the most powerful country in the world and if (when) China overtakes it, it will remain a major power.

I'm a critic of US foreign policy and it's impacts However, they are not the majority reason why the US has declined. It's about demographics and technology. China has about four times America's population and the technological gap between the first and third world has declined massively so population advantage counts for more than it did. Most of the world's population is in Asia and what we call the west punched above it's weight for too long.

The US can easily kill over 1 Billion Chinese in less than 15 minutes. They should never, ever, forget that.
jehova · 31-35, M
Yes and it needs to stop. Id be very much suprised if trump (the corrupt draft dodger) is gonna do anything about it.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
A decline was an inevitable consequence of the ending of the cold war.
Without a common enemy to protect against you lose traditional ally upport for any further forays on foreign soil.
Especially given how those in recent times have gone.

Add to that questionable budgetary wants at a time of public finance cuts and suddenly you find yourself responsible for a huge number of troops; hardware; buildings etc. With nothing for them to do but still require paying and pensioning; healthcare; V.A support and maintenance.

So you make rash statements; acquire a deficit you can't afford just so somebody can pocket a few Bucks in terms of R n D or arms deals etc.

Quite why anyone is surprised by this is down to how the politics of either party has manipulated public thinking over the last twenty years.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Not in our lifetime. Russia is broke. China's economy is in much worse shape than is generally reported. China also has a declining and aging population that's getting older and smaller by the day.

US hegemony is not disappearing
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@HoraceGreenley the whole world is on fire thanks to green fanaticism, endless wars, medical tyranny and open borders.

China's Stock Market Tumbles: The Hong Kong Crisis Deepens - $6 trillion Market Wipe Out

hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Sad but true. Being honest my doubts of the goodness of Uncle Sam began when I became aware of Vietnam. It has only gotten worse over the years.
Wow. I read your post I think it's obviously time we all just give up and die. The sky is falling, The end is near. All is lost and existence is hopeless. This is basically the end of life on earth as we know it.........as you so eloquently point out. We should just line up and drink poison. Oh woe is us. Goodbye cruel world.

Beer makes us queer and Mickey Mouse is our enemy. Target is turning our children trans. Oh lordie what shall we do??????? If God would only send us a bloated replacement for Jesus who wears orange makeup and dyes his white hair yellow (but he's not gay or trans).......we "might" have hope.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@anythingoes477 Point of order. The sky isnt falling over the whole world. Just America. Which at the last count represents less than 5% of the worlds population and wont be missed all that much..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman Oh thank God for that. After reading her post i had all but given up on mankind.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@anythingoes477 No Mate. Its only America....Nothing important..😷
RedBaron · M
Easy for you to say as an American, but plenty of foreign countries don’t want to give up the aid they receive, and plenty of people are clamoring to come here to escape oppressive regimes and failing economies.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
It won’t end as quick as people believe but all the signs are there. If you believe Biden and Harris have anything to do with US policy I have a bridge to sell you.
Northwest · M
At this point, and as unfair as it may be, it's purely wishful thinking. The misadventures of China and Russia, is putting a dent into it.
This is the way with all empires. A rise and a fall.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Rather harsh. But not entirely incorrect..😷
jehova · 31-35, M
Word since wwii at least
TexChik · F
So say you.
Tell that to Palestinian people. Force has sustained US hegemony.
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Confined · 56-60, M
@jshm2 You realy have TDS bad!!! You are delusional !
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
Where has it been said about the Monopoly money and where has USA gone bankrupt
This is nothing new, Eisenhower's last speech as POTUS warned against the US military industrial complex.

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