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Liz Truss has just resigned as Prime Minister - your thoughts as to who will succeed her?

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nedkelly · 61-69, M
Meghan Markle 😀
Pfuzylogic · M
Would she qualify?
That would be a wonderful apology gift from the crown!
@nedkelly 😆😆😆
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
A Man emerges from the toilet to discover he missed entire Liz Truss Prime Ministership
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
FoolishLuna · 56-60, F
@CountScrofula hail Caesar….salad 😉
Is this a record?
I have no idea.
Boris could make a comeback.
General election-Keir Starmer?
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

I nominate Mark Drakeford. 🤭
@Thinkerbell he promised to resign but hasn’t!
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Typical politician...
MartinII · 70-79, M
Latest story is that Johnson may run!! You couldn’t make it up.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
MartinII · 70-79, M
@LegendofPeza Currently 3-1 with Ladbrokes. Sunak is 10/11 favourite. Watch this space.
dondd1922 · 61-69, M
@MartinII A nightmare. Just when you think things can't get worse!
[image/video deleted]

chucky haha
Nimbus · M
Can we have an Aussie?
I choose Ned Kelly.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Dlrannie oops, my family 🤪
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@nedkelly I know but I couldn’t resist teasing you 😘🙂🐼🥢
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly Good point. 😛
MartinII · 70-79, M
An update. The Conservative Party has announced that it will follow the normal rules, with MPs choosing two candidates to go forward to a final choice by party members. Boris Johnson has indicated that he is likely to stand. If Johnson were one of the final two (not certain, but quite likely) I think he would win the final round comfortably against any conceivable opponent. You read it here first!
I just hear that your former PM is becoming a candidate… 🧐
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Soossie we not not want that bumbling buffoon back in downing street😆 my suggestion to nimby would be the better option
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Nimbus You agreeing with Smiler that will the the first and last
Nimbus · M
@nedkelly Most likely you are correct :)
GLITTER · 36-40, F
I think we need a general election at this point
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Wow I got the news on SW today!
TrashCat · M
You guys change PMs like I change underwear. Every 44 days
dondd1922 · 61-69, M
@TrashCat That's because they are all so hopelesss
TrashCat · M
@dondd1922 so is my underwear. But seriously, it's kind of comforting know we yanks aren't alone in this crap.
Graylight · 51-55, F
It looks like you guys are having your troubles, too, with genuine leadership. I hope there's a better choice to take her spot.
@SW-User Idc if he came 2nd or if he's the bookies favourite the reason he didn't win first time round was for the reason i stated previously
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@SW-User 'Sunak has got no chance' - he'll be PM next Friday. Tories didn't give a fuck about his wife's tax affairs.
@LegendofPeza I think he will as well. She did something questionable, not illegal, and I don't think anyone would willingly give up 20 million in taxes if they didn't legally have to. Still 'wrong' though, just not legally.
Some surprising names in the bookies favourites for next Tory party leader

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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Succeed is hardly the word.. "Its more like "Next Victim."😷
King Charles should take this opportunity.
MartinII · 70-79, M
Further update. Apparently the rules are that only candidates with 100 nominations get on the ballot. Johnson may struggle to get that many. But if there are 5 or 6 candidates, it could be that no-one will get 100 nominations. Then what?
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@MartinII boris is the main one
hunkalove · 61-69, M
John Olinger gets my vote. He'd clean things up pretty darn fast!
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Boris probably won't get on the ballot so maybe Mordunt but probably Sunak.

If Sunak wins, I'm gonna push the boat out and say Jeremy Hunt becomes his chancellor. because of excellent House of Cards mabouvers.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Burnley123 I called it
MartinII · 70-79, M
Don’t yet know what the system of election will be, but Sunak, having finished second in the recent election, is the obvious choice.
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KiwiBird · 36-40, F
FUN FACT: Liz Truss’s resignation speech was 18% of her Prime Ministership
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Could someone re-incarnate Bertrand Russell? He would make a good PM.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
wow already, I thought it would drag on a little longer
Rishi Sunak
Sometimes it’s good to be last to guess
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
no one there should be a general election.
GovanDUNNY · M
I cant choose I know nothing about any of them
meggie · F
Without a doubt it will be Boris
Hunt or Sunday, I think.
TrashCat · M
You guys want Trump? 😂
martin Lewis
that guy is a wizard
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Election and give liberals a go
calicuz · 56-60, M
Somebody hawt should succeed her.
@calicuz she is hawt too 😐
10 Downing streets cat Larry should run for PM.
Northwest · M
Whose headshots should go on the dart board?
Elessar · 26-30, M
Boris be like: "F*ck, I just finished unpacking my stuff" 🥴
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
Me it will always be me
Pfuzylogic · M
Bring Boris back?
The worst he ever did was party like a madman during Covid!
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Pfuzylogic He did not party like a madman. He broke the rules, in a pretty minor way, and then lied about it to Parliament. Much worse were the prolonged, cruel and unnecessary lockdowns he and his government imposed, which are one cause of the present economic troubles.
Pfuzylogic · M
At least he didn’t pound the pound! 🤣
You can't keep putting in unelected PMs in 10 Downing street Election should be called and Conservatives destroyed they have fucked this country up now 💙💙💙😘😘😘😘
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
Another Tory twat.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
F hell just seeing your post now watching tv
Caller number nine
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Does it matter? The next one won't last either
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