Well I am not surprised by anything this Biden government does, where is the website for people reporting the government for all of the miss information
@sunsporter1649 I feel like I'm reading about Germany during WWII, when children could turn on their parents, and neighbors were reporting neighbors. When "honor thy father and thy mother", and "love thy neighbor as thyself" are thrown out the window, we will only see evil.
Oh god, a snowflake fan club 🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣. If I was one of those parents being reported. I hope the reporter finds its way to witness protection quick smart.
It should be noted that ALL it takes for abuse of this ill thought plan is an angry teenager or pre-teen who feels ill used for having his mobile phone restricted.
@soar2newhighs That was the ministry of disinformation. SHE quit, but DHS continued the program. Because you know Moms and Dads who don't agree with the government and with a-hole Fauci have to be put on the domestic terrorist list.
@4meAndyou again, do you have a link to the actual website? Because i checked the DHS website, and i dont think its true., or at least didnt find anything.
Nothing the nazis do surprise me anymore. Don't let your parents tell you that the jab will cause your testicles will shrivel up, or make your ovaries fail, or give you myocarditis, or periocarditis, or...