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Real Economics. (What the ACTUAL Experts say):

A number of intelligent people have recently posted long articles of worth here to express points of view they agree with. Well I found this and it covers my position perfectly, referencing learned people I have a lot of respect for, who are paid a lot of money to speak and be listened to. It covers economics, politics and the worlds society (particularly referencing Americas future)
What it does not contain is any partisan or exceptionalist BS.😷
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
From your link, Kemo Sabe:

"If you haven't heard of Professor Stiglitz, he's credited with pioneering the concept of "the 1 per cent."

That refers to the modern phenomenon of the top 1 per cent of Americans (or more precisely, the top one-tenth of 1 per cent) that have accrued so much wealth and power in recent decades that it's imperilling the US political system."

In the video clip accompanying this article, Prof. Stiglitz has nothing good to say about Trump or Republicans in general, but if he thinks the Democrats are likely to lead the US out of the situation he describes, I think he is mistaken. Politicians that have almost without exception made careers of using their offices to put themselves in the top 1% are hardly apt to change the system that has bought and paid for them.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Thinkerbell Yes. Any event that breaks the cycle is able to freeze the moment. But this was well before the days of the global economy and the rise of the $US..And it had the will of everyone to escape that hyperinflation and the force of law to back it. It really was a last resort.. I can give you a thousand words on why it could never happen to America in its current form. But the bottom line is, not while the country is being run by the people running it, who are profiting the most from this,😷
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Thinkerbell Exactly. Who would have thunk the the nation that put men on the moon 50 years ago would be in this state right now..😷
I mean I like the dig at the Austrian School with the title. And I don't disagree with the analysis of neo liberalism, but I see the same tired idea of the "Scandinavian model" being some magic fix that also ignores completely that that system is really only possible through unequal exchange and neo-colonialism.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I am not claiming this as a "fix" for Americas ills.If America as we currently know it survives its current economic mess, it will the greatest comeback since Lazarus. An economic system is designed to prevent a society getting into the kind of trouble American is in.. That ship sailed and its name was Titanic.😷
ArtieKat · M
Quite an interesting read. I'll take time to mull that over
Heartlander · 80-89, M
To understand the power of fake news in the US I suggest digging into the history of William Hurst Vs sharpshooter Annie Oakley. I reference the “sharpshooter” Oakley because Hurst used the misdeeds of another person named Annie Oakley to fill his headlines from coast to coast..

Our freedom of the press is often used as a freedom to lie without consequences
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I'll read that.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Heartlander Point of Order: "ABC" are letters of the alphabet tht exist in countires other than America. I understand your mdia networks ar corrupted and at best dumbed down to the US education standard. But other countries dont live on fake tan, pumpkin spice and Kardashians.. This ABC is Australian😷

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