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I wish the uk was communist as no state or monarchy would exist

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RileyLandS · 41-45, M
read some accurate history books. communism sucked
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Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@RileyLandS those "accurate books" are lying to you
RileyLandS · 41-45, M
@Guitarman123 nope. the lies are those you're telling to yourself.

people who want communism usually have no marketable skills in a capitalistic society. can you program, sell, manage, or someway bring value to someone else? if you want to make more money, you have to be worth more money.

but since you think you're so smart, i challenge you to risk your money and time starting a business. what? you don't have the balls? i thought so!
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@RileyLandS so when "communists" kill people you take that as fact, but when it's American soldiers murdering innocent Vietnamese people you dismiss that as a lie. You not see the contradiction? That's capitalism you're reffering to, what I'm talking about is workers owning the means of production
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TrashCat · M
@RileyLandS Books written with a bias
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@TrashCat Clearly you haven't read anything on the subject nevermind books with a bias.
TrashCat · M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Oh? Dont start your shit on me
@TrashCat I am stating facts.
TrashCat · M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Where? You dont think I know about communism.and socialism? As a social Democrat I had better know about these subjects and I clearly know what a bias is.
Take your psuedo intellectualism and cram it
@TrashCat I know for a fact you don't. Better to keep quiet and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

And now childish insults. Your completely unsupported statements with nothing to back it up makes you sound like someone like Jordan Petersen who could not even get through 48 pages of the communist manifesto to prepare for a debate on the subject. Your unsupported statements are nearly identical to the far right clowns here with a few less memes.

And most so called social democrats are just liberals in love with neo liberalism.

Like I said to a friend. Here in Canada the communist party and the New Democratic Party have very similar platforms. The difference is 90% of the NDP have no intentions of actually implementing it.

We also have several centuries of proof liberalism and incrementalism will never work in a capitalist system anymore than you can overthrow feudalism by working with the king.
RileyLandS · 41-45, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow i started and sold three businesses, each time risking my own capital. i helped six of my sales reps become millionaires, one of whom was a high school dropout. now i am an angel investor. i put my money where my mouth is. i know how capitalism works. you don't. you're willful ignorance is appalling
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@RileyLandS And another self congratulating capitalist. You need to believe this ideology because it justifies your existence.

You know how the myths of capitalism work.

And you want praise for making someone else wealthy by making you even more ludicrously wealthy.

Oh and one anecdote doesn't magically disprove peer reviewed studies on the subject.

Statistically you started off with Daddy's money or just got lucky. And like very oligarch you want praise for that because it makes you feel legitimate.
@RileyLandS Also literally nothing you said has anything to do with socialism and communism.
TrashCat · M

Insults work well with you, you blathering fool. I made a comment about books critical of communism having a bias and you went on the attack.

You know nothing about social democracy if you believe it's neo liberalism
@TrashCat Insults like that is just childish.

Most books critical of socialism never got through the first chapter of Capital and make it very very obvious they have no idea what they are talking about. The Road to Serfdom comes immediately to mind.

Actually I do. And your positions in this discussion tells me you are a neo liberal. Nearly all modern social democratic parties are packed with neo liberals and has had nothing to do with socialism for 50 years.
TrashCat · M
I don't care.
What positions might that be? Do tell

And while you're at it, tell me why this comment
"Books written with a bias" got your panties in a wad?
@TrashCat That is exactly the problem. Your entire argument is based on emotion.
TrashCat · M
What argument? 😂

Youre the one losing your mind
@TrashCat I got the impression that your comment about biased books was in support of RileyLandS. Going through the thread again I think I got that wrong.
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@Emosaur Just like you can't end feudalism by working with the king. Also any gains made under social democracy get erased the moment they interfere with economic interests.
Gloomy · F
have no marketable skills in a capitalistic society. can you program, sell, manage, or someway bring value to someone else? if you want to make more money, you have to be worth more money.

Working as a cleaner, at a construction site, a librarian, a scientist, .... all jobs contribute to society and have/create value.
You just named few that could get you into positions in which you could make lots of money but can you defend both morally and logically why managers earn insane amounts compared to healthcare workers for example... cause i'd argue a healthcare worker brings way more value to someone else.

i challenge you to risk your money and time starting a business.

A very american thing to always glorify people who start a business and use it as the only example of success. As if risking initial money would justify the accumulation of capital that produces wealth through the labor power of others.

started and sold three businesses, each time risking my own capital. i helped six of my sales reps become millionaires

Self congratulation and feeling good about yourself because you made someone else rich is not the best look. You know how to use capitalism for your own gains and act like its something everyone can or should do.