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Am I right? Is this the new international boogeyman?

What's the supposed difference between the Ukraine and Gaza? Has communism now become radical islam? Are all sins forgiven for amoral and indeed immoral conduct just because there's radical islam to cope with? So one is a war of imperial conquest waged by an expansionist military superpower against a sovereign state, the other the fight of a sovereign state against non-state actors and terrorists? Gaza has been occupied for six decades, and what about the American Declaration of Indepence then: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
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You don't need to use an article when saying "Ukraine." The only country that still uses one is Germany, when they say "die Ukraine." In Russia, you say "na Ukraine", which translates to "on Ukraine" (на Украине). Ukraine seems to prefer "v Ukraine" (в Украине) for political reasons. I guess neither matter in English.

"Gaza has been occupied for six decades."

In what sense? The blockade? Israel controlling their airspace? I only ask because they dismantled settlements and withdrew in 2005.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@SW-User Israel withdrew settlements from Gaza but built massive prison walls around the whole thing. It's not occupied territory only in the sense that a prison guard doesn't sleep in the prisoner:s cell.

Settlements in the West Bank have increased and are still increasing.

Maybe it's more accurate to call Palestinians 'occupied and imprisoned,' instead of just occupied.
@val70 is 51-55 very old? Many people have been through the Cold War.

"But I guess that you actually can't follow my thoughts either nor answer my questions."

I understand them, but have no view except to say that they all need Jesus.
@Burnley123 "Maybe it's more accurate to call Palestinians 'occupied and imprisoned,' instead of just occupied."

MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
All the Jews left Gaza years ago, to allow the people there to live independently. Hamas responded by using it as a military base to attack Israel; Hamas based its rocket sites in Hospitals and Schools and used the civilian population as human shields to get public sympathy by claiming that Israel deliberately targeted civilians.
Some people - too many well intentioned but naive people - fell for the Hamas propaganda.
val70 · 51-55
@MandyMitchell You're not answering my questions. But never mind! Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, etc. indeed
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@val70 I am not sure what your question was, really. Are you asking if radical Islam has taken the place of Communism in the USA? If so, then yes it probably has, but not only for the US. Radical Islam has been responsible for many atrocities in Europe and Africa as welll.
val70 · 51-55
@MandyMitchell Thank you
MartinII · 70-79, M
The difference is that Hamas wishes to destroy Israel. Ukraine does not wish to destroy Russia. It really is elementary. But sadly, many people cannot, or refuse to, see it.
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@val70 Israel did not occupy Gaza: Hamas does.
val70 · 51-55
@MandyMitchell Oh yes, Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, etc. Forget about the military rule over the Palestinians. What sort of justice have they got these past seven decades? Military tribunal. Well, that sounds to me like OCCUPATION alright. Fool you if you think otherwise
MandyMitchell · 80-89, F
@val70 Gaza is controlled by Hamas - voted for by the Gaza population. All the Jewish people left many years ago.
4meAndyou · F
During WWII, Hitler and the leader of Palestine united.

Husseini, in those days, found common ground with a fascist dictator.

Very little has changed with today's Palestinian leadership. Tribal hatred toward the Jews has not changed, and the Islamic leadership will get in bed with the devil to destroy Zion and Zionists.
val70 · 51-55
@4meAndyou I'm talking about after that, my friend, what did Israel do with the Palestinians? I'm sure that you don't want to see people under military rule for ever. Of course, Arabs in Israel proper didn't have any rights till the sixties. They had to show that they could be trusted. I'm sure that the Americans would have done that for the Brits too. Be good and stay civil

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