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I Am An Anarchist

Read a book called "Order and Anarchy: Civil Society, Social Disorder and War." It basically explains that human beings are capable of living in a world without government and can still cooperate peacefully in a lawless society without massive occurrences of violence. It's a very interesting read from a sociological perspective.
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xSharp · 31-35, M
yup changes your whole perspective on why laws were put in place to begin with.
Starkizzed21 · 31-35, F
I say get rid of money and corporations and government.
We don't need all the chemicals we eat or put in our hair, on our bodies, in our bodies...
but with technology, while we may be completely capable, some asshole will want more, want control, want to hoard from others what all should have rights to.
How do we deal with that?
How could America develop into an anarchist country and behave peacefully?
DanniRoxi · 26-30, F
That sounds a bit more transcendentalist then anarchist. Anarchism is simply existing without government and relying on the ideas of people to govern themselves. Currency can exist as well as technology because it simply does as of right now. Anarchy is simply the removal of government. Nothing more and nothing less.
Starkizzed21 · 31-35, F
In my idealistic big picture, the difference to be owed shouldn't matter. It would make sense larger amounts of something bartered in exchange for a more laborious task. But like, if you have a skill for something, you can be of service as you are able to, and everyone helps each other.
I have heard of small rare communities that live like this around the world.
The ideas of free energy, that we are all one and connected, and the idea that we are out of sync with each other and the earth- these are deeper thoughts I have a secret wish for. For humankind, I believe it would take much humbling down to ever live in an anarchist world peacefully.
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Starkizzed21: you would also have to train your body and mind to kill on a whim but yeah..

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