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I Hate Guns

Ok so while I respect the second amendment, nothing says they should have military weapons or high power weapons. A these weapons of mass destruction need to be illegal and taken off the streets of the USA
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sunrisehawk · 61-69, M
If you're going to make an argument, I'd suggest you to know enough to be accurate. Military weapons are not legal without special federal permits and licenses. I don't believe any mass shooting done in the last few years were done with "military weapons". And your term "high power" has no definition. One of the popular deer rifles is a WWII sniper rifle, the .308. Is that high powered? No rifle is a weapon of "mass destruction". That is reserved for nuclear, biological, and explosive devices normally. Not firearms that fire only one bullet for each time you pull the trigger.

I respect the first amendment as well the second (an all the rest), but I choose to understand what those rights mean and the responsibilities they put on me.
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TexChik · F
@Greenbare 😊👍🏻❤️
acpguy · C
You are a product of liberal fake news. #1. the AR type rifles are not military weapons, the military guns can fire full auto where as those sold to civilians cannot #2. they are no more weapons of mass destruction than cars, trucks, airplanes and pressure cookers as demonstrated by terrorists who have used those for that purpose #3. if you go back in time to pre-1980 you would note there were no mas killings in high schools and grade schools yet a person (I did so myself) could buy a military surplus M1 carbine (they held 30 rounds of ammo and were semi auto) for $45 -$60 through the mail these rifles were truly military guns yet no one at that time used them to kill mass numbers of people.

What the liberals do not want you to know is that mass murders like this are relatively new events. If people would have half a mind they would look at how children are raised today compared to 30 or more years ago. Parents took an interest in their kids then compared to no. Parents took their kids to church on Sunday, played with their kids outdoors, did not use electronic babysitters (aka computers, smart phones and violent video games), people were more tuned into their kids and if they were showing sociopath tendencies (like all the school shooters have) they sure as hell would not let them near a gun, knife or car. We hunted and fished with our parents when I was young. We carried our guns in our cars when we went to school as we hunted after school and I even took teachers hunting with me.

The liberals are full of shit and want to hide the real problems with the shooting issues. They cannot admit that parents and liberal run schools are the problem. Guns are inanimate objects just like cars, knives, clubs, airplanes and pressure cookers.........It is only when some sociopath gets there hands on these objects do they become weapons of mass killings.
marriedplus3 · 31-35, M
I think what this liberal democrat is saying. Is illegal military weapons should not be possible to get. I agree with that however if a gun is legal no matter the type pistol shot gun or rifle. Pass a background check then you should be able to have them. Guns are good if used the right way. People make good arguments on this topic and everyone is at least somewhat right. But I believe people has the right to bare arms. I have guns and I will keep my guns
TexChik · F
We don’t have military weapons. Only the military does . We do have semi automatic versions that look like their military versions . But they are not the same .
acpguy · C
@TexChik I and others when we were young in the 1960's bought M1 carbines which were military surplus from WWII and Korea cheap through the mail. They weren't the full auto versions but were used in war. Back in the early 1920's you could buy full auto Thompson sub machine guns through hardware stores they were legal then. The only mass shootings done with those however were by gangsters and then there weren't many.
Rollercoaster97 · 51-55, F
If only people was taught guns are for protection and hunting for food. Not to be used on each other.
TexChik · F
@Rollercoaster97 that’s how my guns roll!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Never have seen any military weapons since I got out. Must be a law against it.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
No regular person has WMDs, use proper terms otherwise you muddy the waters
acpguy · C
@Jackaloftheazuresand You must not drive, own a pressure cooker, never used fertilizer, have a can of gas around for your lawn mower, flown on an airplane, ridden a bus or owned a knife.....just to mention a few things that could be used as WMDs along with several household cleaning products that could be used to make bombs with or nasty aerosols that can kill several people at a time.

You have thinking issues don't you?
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@acpguy A knife is not a WMD most certainly. The others you mentioned aren't owned by regular people or the delivery system for mass destruction is not owned by them so it doesn't classify. Some of those things you would need quite the horde of as well for it to be considered as such, like a bus or gas.
acpguy · C
@Jackaloftheazuresand In China a guy with a big knife killed over twenty people ...........I think that classified the knife as a WMD. When the terrorists flew planes into the towers and the Pentagon those were then classified as WMDs. I could make a nasty WMD out of a gallon of bleach and that is not a "horde" of material. It doesn't take much fertilizer to level a building if you know what you are doing. Ask most special ops guys and they can tell you about how many can be killed using very little.
that amendment says not infringed period.
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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
That won't stop somebody from getting a gun. Not when you can go around the corner and buy one
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TexChik · F
@Flyoverstates antiques are usually disabled so that they don’t need the FFL and can be sold freely in many states . You however were claiming that working firearms were being sold illegally everywhere to facilitate a false liberal narrative . Truth will out!
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TexChik · F
Obviously you don’t know weapons or the 2 A. Military weapons are already highly restricted and they are not on the street. All guns are “ high powered “. That kind of subjective wording is ridiculous.
becca00f · 22-25, F
when the second ammendment was written. the people had muskets and powder guns. and what did the army have???? muskets and powder guns
becca00f · 22-25, F
@acpguy actually the army was the people.
sunrisehawk · 61-69, M
@becca00f No, the militia was the people and the army, while made up of volunteers, was trained to the standards of the day.
acpguy · C
@becca00f That is why there is a 2nd Amendment that allows our citizens to be the army if need be to defend against the army controlled by the government. You really are not to bright are you. It is shameful what our liberals controlled school system is teaching idiots like you that are actually boys pretending to be girls.
If you support the second then why are you only against the high power gun what are you saying they do more damage then a revolver or a pistol a gun is a gun but it can only shoot if someone pulls the trigger otherwise it is harmless
Lion1776 · 51-55, M
Ar15 is a weapon of mass destruction. Look at the evidence
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Lion1776 not nearly as much as a Corvette
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Diaermatty · 56-60, M
Gun never do no wrong it the hand it in that harms I hate people that kill others 4 no reason
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
A gun is a gun and I honestly think there should be no guns for civilians whatsoever. A gun is designed for only one thing: to kill. Sure, in the hands of a sane, sensible and mature people it may not be too dangerous, but accidents still can and do happen. But give a crazy person a gun and shit hits the fan for sure, as is proven time and time again. And the world is full of crazy people, don't ya know it?
acpguy · C
@becca00f Probably not as many as killed by idiot snowflakes texting and driving. If you look at the statistics; more people are killed by texting and driving everyday than those killed by guns. Also if you look at statistics; more non-military people have been killed by knives and clubs than guns. But people your age have difficulty readings and accepting facts as you prefer to learn from the liberal controlled education system and the media.
becca00f · 22-25, F
@acpguy You're an ass. not all people my age are like that. that would be the same as me saying all people your age are hippies
acpguy · C
@becca00f You are not using much in the way of logic and I would say you are incapable of logic. Go back to playing a girl that was gang raped and went to sex parties as you have stated in posts. It is apparent from your writing that you are a guy pretending to be a girl.

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