Every Trump speech is substantive and filled with moral conviction. It is comprehendible to the common man. His speeches are filled with common sense, hope and logic. The speeches always maintain and emphasize that America, the west and the middle class must be put first.
Unlike Obama who spoke in gibberish and talked down to people. Hussein Obama speeches were all filled with anti-western and anti-american diatribes. The man was a scumbag who preached about globalism 24/7. His speeches were not only annoying but dangerous.
Unlike Obama who spoke in gibberish and talked down to people. Hussein Obama speeches were all filled with anti-western and anti-american diatribes. The man was a scumbag who preached about globalism 24/7. His speeches were not only annoying but dangerous.
katielass · F
@therighttothink50: And he was unprepared to be on the world stage. I mean he allowed everyone to f him over. But that's what you can expect by putting an inexperienced, uneducated socially promoted person in that position.

Well staged..in front of a bussed in audience with guns to their backs...
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@SatanBurger trust me, no fucks given on this screen either...
I call people out who think they know things...These days..those people are in fact conservatives...
Not Ronny raygun conservatives either..
You are in a SPECIAL subset..
Block me..
I call people out who think they know things...These days..those people are in fact conservatives...
Not Ronny raygun conservatives either..
You are in a SPECIAL subset..
Block me..
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@SW-User We all think we know things. I don't understand why you would demand I block you when you can clearly block me. I'm not going to do your work for you.
Also clearly you don't understand hyperbole when people use it back at your clearly exaggerated first comment.
Also clearly you don't understand hyperbole when people use it back at your clearly exaggerated first comment.

@SatanBurger no worries...
Some think...
Some know....it's a really important thing for me to know..
I don't play with jingoism, and catch phrases...I research, and write..
Most Americans are media saturated
and are unable to follow what is happening.
I have yet to run across a thinking
Conservative voter..or candidate
They are great at the sound bite
My first statement used hyperbole..yup...
Some think...
Some know....it's a really important thing for me to know..
I don't play with jingoism, and catch phrases...I research, and write..
Most Americans are media saturated
and are unable to follow what is happening.
I have yet to run across a thinking
Conservative voter..or candidate
They are great at the sound bite
My first statement used hyperbole..yup...
katielass · F
It was an excellent speech. Set just the right tone.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
Great ..... if you're white , slightly racist and deeply paranoid. That was his audience , both in Poland and at home.

@GunSmoke9 keep up or go away
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User I'm not the one who thinks Trump is expanding into America.

@GunSmoke9 your words not my idea
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I agreed with most of what he had to say.

@hippyjoe1955: you are where?
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
I thought it was very good. Seemed well received there too
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@Foxboy: your government school education/indoctrination is showing
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
Didn't know about it or even care about it.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@LvChris: Don't believe that's what I meant. What I meant was in school, social norms, and many other examples there's a clear cut bias that favors one over the other. At some point you either question it or do not. That doesn't change the fact that Democrat politicians sent water after protesters as well as dogs during slavery times. I do believe there was about 5 or 6 major named ones. However liberals have no problems shoving shit in our faces with their own versions of historical perspective.
On your other points.. I could see your point being valid if I didn't name specific elements that has me confused. Like why there's clear antisemitic groups that are leftist but it's almost never covered by the media or how there's a certain group of the left that attacks the libertarian left and right.
Sorry I just don't get their issue with small govt political parties. In MY OPINION that's fascist and authoritarian as fuck but whatever. It's all good.
On your other points.. I could see your point being valid if I didn't name specific elements that has me confused. Like why there's clear antisemitic groups that are leftist but it's almost never covered by the media or how there's a certain group of the left that attacks the libertarian left and right.
Sorry I just don't get their issue with small govt political parties. In MY OPINION that's fascist and authoritarian as fuck but whatever. It's all good.
All I've got is internet now, so I'll have to look it up. I imagine it must have been good, since he got such a positive reception. Hopefully he 'caught the spit' and played off the energy.
@GunSmoke9: We're the 'new hippies'! The tables have turned and the people bitching about "the man" 45 years ago, have become "the man". Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!
That's mostly tongue in cheek. We 'are' the majority, we just don't cuss as much or beat people up as much or burn things down as much!
That's mostly tongue in cheek. We 'are' the majority, we just don't cuss as much or beat people up as much or burn things down as much!
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@puck61: Why get violent when we have logic on our side? New hippies, now I feel like listening to Jerry Garcia.
@GunSmoke9: Don't let the man get down with his negative vibes!
Northwest · M
He delivered a speech in Poland?

@hippyjoe1955 really...that's what you have to say?

@hippyjoe1955 you have yet to address anything factual...

@hippyjoe1955 hello??
Check and mate
Check and mate
@LouisXIV:Do you think Islam is the solution to Europe's problems?

@Ianrockwell: what problems?
@Ianrockwell: Islam 'is' Europe's problems.
Cierzo · M
Powerful but unreal. The West is almost done. Asia is about to take over.
Northwest · M
@Cierzo: Unreal? As in you don't believe it?
The speech was 36 minutes
He opened up by telling the crowd that his wife is the most beautiful ambassador the US has
Spent the next 18 minutes, doing a recap of WWII, and thanking the Poles for helping us in our revolutionary war (the person he meant, is actually from Lithuania/Belarus).
He then moved on to thank Polish Americans for voting for him. There are no actual polls to support this claim.
He then moved on to some fluff, basically filling air time with haikus.
Then he spent 30 seconds to say that he now supports NATO Article 5
Then he moved on to claim that billions and billions of dollars more were contributed to NATO, and that would not have happened, had he not demanded it. I recall him using the words "you would not believe it" when talking about how many more billions were contributed. That part is true, but this has been the case since 2014, and not something new. NATO nations have been increasing spending steadily, but it's not clear that they all want to jack it up to 2% of their GDP. Last year 5 met that goal, this year, 6 will.
Then he went back to WWII, for the last 10 minutes or so of the speech.
Asia has already taken over, and for the first time ever, the leadership of the G-20 summit was not firmly in the hands of the US President. On the plus side, Ivanka, his daughter, who is not an elected official, stepped in, and sat at the G-20 Summit, between PM May and President Xi of China, when Trump got up and left the meeting.
In my opinion, that was not a speech, it was pandering, haikus, and an attempt to provide political cover to a conservative ally in Poland.
The speech was 36 minutes
He opened up by telling the crowd that his wife is the most beautiful ambassador the US has
Spent the next 18 minutes, doing a recap of WWII, and thanking the Poles for helping us in our revolutionary war (the person he meant, is actually from Lithuania/Belarus).
He then moved on to thank Polish Americans for voting for him. There are no actual polls to support this claim.
He then moved on to some fluff, basically filling air time with haikus.
Then he spent 30 seconds to say that he now supports NATO Article 5
Then he moved on to claim that billions and billions of dollars more were contributed to NATO, and that would not have happened, had he not demanded it. I recall him using the words "you would not believe it" when talking about how many more billions were contributed. That part is true, but this has been the case since 2014, and not something new. NATO nations have been increasing spending steadily, but it's not clear that they all want to jack it up to 2% of their GDP. Last year 5 met that goal, this year, 6 will.
Then he went back to WWII, for the last 10 minutes or so of the speech.
Asia has already taken over, and for the first time ever, the leadership of the G-20 summit was not firmly in the hands of the US President. On the plus side, Ivanka, his daughter, who is not an elected official, stepped in, and sat at the G-20 Summit, between PM May and President Xi of China, when Trump got up and left the meeting.
In my opinion, that was not a speech, it was pandering, haikus, and an attempt to provide political cover to a conservative ally in Poland.
Cierzo · M
@Northwest: Unreal as in telling the passengers of the Titanic how a great boat it is after it has already crashed against the iceberg.
Northwest · M
@Cierzo I see, well I'll agree with you on this point. There's another time I like to use: it's like re-arranging the lounge chairs on the deck of the Titanic.
Personally I don't believe there's a single Western point of view. There are multiple European points of view, and a flip-flopping US point of view.
Personally I don't believe there's a single Western point of view. There are multiple European points of view, and a flip-flopping US point of view.
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
He was telling Putin it'd be ok to invade.

He saved western civilization.

@LouisXIV: there is the best answer.

@thoughtcriminal: because ya know, the free press is not Western.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I'd have to watch it but I bet it was pretty decent! I've seen clips.
jackson55 · M
Anything was better than Obama over there kissing ass.
katielass · F
@jackson55: Yeah, apparently he forgot the reports of them laughing at him behind his back. Stupid cluck.
jackson55 · M
I thought Trump did a pretty good job with that speech. He's getting better at speaking. Obama was a great speaker but it was mostly bullshit.

@jackson55 you might want to recalibrate your bullshit detector...it seems many have stopped working since january...