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Why do people say all conservatives are misogynists?

Actually pisses me off because that's not true.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
@Svarog: The state with the highest rate is Alaska, and you're once again twisting the truth to push your sick narrative. North Dakota is not the south. New Mexico is not the south. Nevada is not the south. You guys are such filthy filching liars. You are so sick and wrong. Please die in a fire.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Those who say that are projecting
megmario · 26-30, F
You're right, it's not true it all. This is because liberals like to attack character- when they feel like they are morally superior than their opponent, they think that justifies their opinions. I'm a woman and I am a conservative. I am not misogynistic at all.
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heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
Tbh I'm loving Trump even more than I thought he would. But I was always a big Trump supporter from June of 2015.
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Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Well, things like the "legitimate rape" comment, and forcing doctors to lie to women, and recently when a GOP legislator asked why men should have to pay for pregnancy coverage in their insurance.'s not like every pregnancy that exists was at least half done by a man or anything.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
@Jackjjacksonjr: You already blocked me once, are you really this desperate for attention?

@heatherpommelman: So wait, you went to med school and your that amused by dick jokes? That's a little unusual, but then again, you're the one saying that San Francisco and Texas are basically the same, so whatever.
heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
@Xuan12: Lmao it was funny because it was so stupid. You can't deny that it made you laugh. Even if you laughed because of how stupid it was you still laughed. And yes, Texas does have more affordable and accessible healthcare than Cali whereas Cali has more federally funded women's health programs (abortion included), but the gist is very similar.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M

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"All" people aren't any one "thing."

Many people see many conservatives as sexists. This is based largely on platform. The audacity to pretend the authority to hold dominion over a woman's body is to treat her as property, and that is sexist. To deny her access to a method of birth control is sexist. Historically, the GOP has been a party of old white men. They demonstrate no track record of progressive or diverse hiring practices, they have fought to block equal pay initiatives and recently character assassinated a female as shrill, emotional, unbalanced, hormonal and weak.

Now, I realize, as many others do, that not every conservative believes in every policy, and the same works for Dems. However, to focus on the economy at the cost of the continued bias against women, women's rights and women's issues is to be complicit.

It's not okay to say, "Yeah, I don't condone murder, buy by God that guy was a great chef."
It's not okay to say. "Yeah, no bid deal if we continue to degrade women, but what about those tax breaks."

Maybe you hate some policies and are trying to change them from the inside. If so, kudos; better to stand and enforce rather than run and let collapse. So no, not all conservatives are misogynists. But a whole lot are, and they tend to shout the loudest.
heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
Okay I'll say this again. The whole conservative thing with abortion is retarded. I disagree with that. But girl both parties are parties of old white men. It's been like that for a long time. But both parties are improving and diversifying.
@heatherpommelman: Well, you got a point on that one.
It's easier to generalise than it is to think 🙃
@offingg: But sjw's are all fags.. now gimme a hug 🤗
offingg · 31-35, F
@A7xqueen: Nice way to prove your ignorance, thank you for proving my point. <3
@offingg: oh stop being so faggy and bring it in 😬... don't be shy, I'm a good hugger 🤗🤗
offingg · 31-35, F
Hmm, let's see, maybe bc most conservatives are misogynists???
offingg · 31-35, F
@heatherpommelman: Many conservatives are anti-abortion, anti- free birth control, some contribute to rape culture, they enforce gender roles, many think women are sex objects, I mean these are just a few 🤷🏽‍♀️
heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
@offingg: Okay I agree with you on the abortion stuff that is like the only thing that pisses me off about conservatives. But conservatives do not think women are sex objects, or at least they don't think that more than liberals do. Idk what you mean by enforcing gender roles.
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CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
Well that's not true.

I think it is fair to say most conservatives are not bothered by misogyny, and if they are offended by the concept, redefine misogyny until it no longer applies.
newstu · M
most liberals say that, for sure
Hilarious! My comment was deleted.
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heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
@Svarog: Okay of course they did. If you were really a Jew you would NEVER talk to a Jewish girl the way you are talking to me. Now stop trying to pose as something you are not. It's pissing me off.
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Allthingscurious · 46-50, M
They aren't all misogynists, they just support a platform deeply rooted in bigotry and misogyny, that's all......
heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
@puck61: You're posting on every single on of my posts that's weird af. But you do you.
@heatherpommelman: In 10 years of EP and however long this site has been here, you are the first person to ever make that weird insinuation. That really pisses me off. Get bent!
heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
@puck61: Replying to every comment on my post is weird. It's like you're looking for arguments.
Sacron22 · 56-60, M
Some liberals are ignorant and use generalized stereotypes in place of facts.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M

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Sacron22 · 56-60, M
@Debbie: Cynical, but I'm sad to say, you are right.
It is the 'progressives, or whateverthefucktheyares' who are the misogynists and racists, that's why that is their battle cry. They project their flaws and inadequacies on their perceived enemies continually. They are the fascists. They are the intolerant ones. They are the authoritarians and wannabee totalitarians. Simply put, they are sick people who believe the worst and want the worst for this country.
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@CopperCicada: Fair enough! Non biased is always better.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M

Everyone should!
TestingLimitations · 31-35, M
Hate is blinding.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Leftists are parrots, they congregate together lost in delusion, promoting mob rule. Psychopathic lunatics who use selective outrage to advance their warped agenda. Forever using repetitive insults with absolutely no merit which have no connection to facts or reality.

These regressive useful idiots of the globalists count on other similar useful idiots to affirm their detestable behavior. These agit prop like mental midgets are fascillitatiing their own destruction and many are too naive, arrogant and condescending to realize it. These mutants are incapable of logic and dearth of soul.

Just look to the liberal mainstream media and their dwindling ratings to see what the future holds for these freaks.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Not only is the head of the Conservative party quoted for "Grab'em by the pussy," but the conservatives voted him into office. So own it.
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
so everyone who voted for hillary are lying treasinists and should own it?
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@CopperCicada: Yep
Well, to liberals, conservatives are the devil, like mama said.
All sane people are misogynists.
heatherpommelman · 31-35, F
I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that
plungesponge · 41-45, M
People say a lot of crap.
You're absolutely right. Merely a lot of them. Hey, gotta be real about this shit. Don't want to tar everyone with that guilt-by-association brush. There were honorable Nazis too, after all.
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